The substitution of one man for the people, and the reduction of the people's role merely to being supporters and cheerleaders for one man's actions, is antithetical to democracy.
The Central government's flip-flops on Anna Hazare are obvious: it went from abusing him (through the Congress spokesperson) for sheltering corruption, to extolling him for his idealism; from arresting him, without any justification, and getting him remanded to judicial custody for a week, to releasing him within a few hours. But the Anna group's flip-flops are no less striking: it moves from “we-have-a-democratic-right-to-protest-and-place-our-views-in-public,” which is an unexceptionable proposition, to “Anna-will-keep-fasting-until-his-bill-is-adopted-or-amended-with-his-permission,” which amounts to holding a gun to the head of the Centre, and by implication of Parliament, and dictating that the bill it has produced must be passed, or else mayhem will follow. The government's flip-flops are indicative of incompetence; the Anna group's flip-flops arise because of the compulsions of a particular style of politics on which it is embarked, which can be called “messianism” and which is fundamentally anti-democratic. The fact that it is striking a chord among the people, if at all it is (one cannot entirely trust the media on this), should be a source of serious concern, for it underscores the pre-modernity of our society and the shallowness of the roots of our democracy.
Democracy essentially means a subject role for the people in shaping the affairs of society. They not only elect representatives periodically to the legislature, but intervene actively through protests, strikes, meetings, and demonstrations to convey their mood to the elected representatives. There being no single mood, freedom of expression ensures that different moods have a chance to be expressed, provided the manner of doing so takes the debate forward instead of foreclosing it. For all this to happen, people have to be properly informed. The role of public meetings where leaders explain issues, and of media reports, articles, and discussions, is to ensure that they are. The whole exercise is meant to promote the subject role of the people, and the leaders are facilitators. Even charismatic leaders do not substitute themselves for the people; they are charismatic because the people, in acquiring information to play their subject role, trust what they say.
Messianism substitutes the collective subject, the people, by an individual subject, the messiah. The people may participate in large numbers, and with great enthusiasm and support, in the activities undertaken by the messiah, as they are doing reportedly at Anna Hazare's fast at the Ramlila grounds, but they do so as spectators. The action is of the messiah; the people are only enthusiastic and partisan supporters and cheerleaders. If at all they ever undertake any action on the side, this is entirely at the messiah's bidding, its ethics, rationale and legitimacy never explained to them (no need is felt for doing so); whenever they march they march only in support of the messiah, not for specific demands that they have internalised and feel passionately about. When they gather at the Ramlila grounds, for instance, the occasion is not used to enlighten them, to bring home to them the nuances of the differences between the government's Lokpal Bill and the Jan Lokpal Bill, so that they could act with discrimination and understanding. On the contrary, the idea is to whip up enthusiasm among them without enlightening them, through the use of meaningless hyperbole like “the government's bill is meant not for the prevention but for the promotion of corruption”, and “Anna is India and India is Anna”. If the venue was one where discussions, debates, and informative speeches were taking place, the matter would be different, but those alas have no place in the political activity around messianism.
Informative speeches have been the traditional staple of political activity in India. Maulana Bhashani, a popular peasant leader in what is now Bangladesh, used to give marathon speeches that were interrupted when people went home for lunch or dinner, or even for a night's rest, and resumed when they re-assembled afterwards; and the speeches contained much information about everything, not just politics but even crop-sowing practices and the best means of irrigation. A speech was virtually a set of classes; it had an educative role. I myself have heard election speeches in West Bengal by the inimitable Jyoti Basu, and also others. The speeches were based on solid homework, and conveyed information and argument to the audience. They also sought to rebut what was being said by the opponents, and hence carried forward a debate in public. Political activity of this kind assumed a subject role of the people and prepared them for it; it was quintessentially democratic. Messianic political activity does no such thing; it quintessentially creates a spectacle, not just for the audience but above all for the TV cameras upon whose presence it is crucially dependent.
I am not concerned here with whether the Jan Lokpal Bill is the best piece of legislation on the subject; nor am I concerned with the possible RSS links of the Anna campaign. These issues, though important, are not germane to my argument. My concern is with the “dumbing down” of the people that messianic political activity entails: “leave things to Anna but do come to cheer him.” Just as in a potboiler Hindi film the hero single-handedly does all the fighting required to rid the locale of villainous elements, messianic activity leaves all the fighting, that is, the subject role, to the messiah. The people stand around with sympathy, and cheer. When the Anna group announces that he will take up issues like land reforms, corporate land grab, and commercialisation of education, once his fight against corruption is over, one almost feels that Shekhar Kapoor's “Mr. India” has finally arrived on the scene! The problem, however, is that “Mr. India” is a negation of democracy; and relying upon “Mr. India”, like relying upon the arrival of an incarnation of Vishnu to cleanse the world of evil, is a throwback to our pre-modernity. It is not just an admission of a state of powerlessness of the people that may prevail at the moment; it reinforces that powerlessness.
Messianism is fundamentally anti-democratic because it is complicit in this objectification of the people, this self-fulfilling portrayal of them as dumb objects that need a messiah. When the Anna group uses the term “people” as a substitute for itself (referring to its own bill as “the people's bill,” its own views as the “people's views”), it is implicitly carrying out a conceptual coup d'etat, namely, that messianism is democracy! But quite apart from the fact that the messiah is not elected by the people, a point made by many, there is the basic point that nobody, whether elected or not, can substitute for the people in a democracy.
This presumption, however, explains the flip-flops made by the Anna group. If Anna is the people, then democracy, where the people are supreme, demands that his version of the bill must be accepted over any other version, including what the parliamentary Standing Committee may come to formulate. The people's supremacy over Parliament entails ipso facto Anna's supremacy over Parliament. Messianism necessarily implies an “Anna's-bill-has-got-to-be-adopted” position. Members of Anna's group, many of whom have been associated for long with people's causes, may have occasional discomfort with this messianic position, and may retreat to a “we-are-only-exercising-our-democratic-rights” stance; but since they do not repudiate the messianic position, they perforce come back to the “Anna-is-the-people-and-hence-supreme” stance. To accept that Anna's version of the bill is only one of many possible versions, which the final bill could draw upon, amounts to seeing Anna as one among equals, and not as the messiah, that is, to an abandonment of messianism; the Anna group is loath to do this. “Negotiations” with the government therefore come to mean negotiations to make it accept Anna's version; “compromise” comes to mean a compromise that makes Anna's version final.
It may be asked: if the people prefer “messianism” to “democracy,” then what is wrong with it? Those thronging the Ramlila grounds or marching in support of Anna in the metros are not necessarily “the people” of the country, and it is dangerous to take the two as identical. Besides, even if a majority of the people genuinely wish at a particular time to elevate a messiah over Parliament, this is no reason to alter the constitutional order, just as a majority wishing to abandon secularism at a particular time is no reason to do so. The Constitution is the social contract upon which the Indian state is founded, and it cannot be overturned by the wishes of a majority at a particular time. If perchance the government accepts messianism out of expediency, it would be violating the spirit of the Constitution and undermining democracy. Besides, any such licence will make multiple (quasi-religious) messiahs sprout, who would compete and collude, as oligopolists do in the markets for goods, to keep people in thralldom.
(Prabhat Patnaik recently retired from the Sukhamoy Chakravarty Chair at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.)
Keywords: Anna Hazare fast, Jan Lokpal, anti-corruption movement, India Against Corruption, Ramlila Maidan
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Patnaik is right - in accepting a messiah a government would be violating the spirit of the Constitution and undermining democracy. Point is - the current protesters suggest that they no longer believe in the democracy that has been thrust on them. The social contract is no longer valid. Is history being made a la' the overthrow of the British rule ? Yes. Another point Patnaik fails to understand and address is that our Constitution does not prescribe a course that allows the people to recall the government or an elected representative before the end of the elected term. If this Congress government takes a referendum on this issue or resigns the crisis will end. Patnaik's defense of the Constitution may well be breached ; democracy in its truest sense would have earned a victory !
from: Saurabh Sharma
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 00:40 IST
I wonder if the current elected members are true representative of people? Take it statistically: out of 100 voters, only 80 cast votes. The candidate, with 35 votes, wins over others having a sum of 45. Isn't it a limitation of democracy? Moreover, Don't your consciousness says that Anna is representing a lager voice of India. Even if the illiterate people were explained the cause, they would support. Despite your expertize, your definitions of democracy are too swallow.
from: Vivek
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 00:44 IST
I don't have enough words to Explain, A very well compiled article. I am proud to be a reader of 'The Hindu'. All the points are well put, team anna should read this article and give it a good thought on their loath ways of moving forward. Though I am totally for the cause, the means used are questionable indeed. I hope Shri.Anna Hazare goes beyond janlokpal, upholding the constitution. However, I fail to understand how can a set of people then have their Demand fullfilled, when the governments makes promises and faults them regularly, meaning its been 65 years we don't have any lokpal yet. How will a citizen believe in the government..?
from: Arun Kumar Sahu
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 00:45 IST
If democracy represents itself through symbols only like parliament,executive whatever manner they act,your article is acceptable.India devoted in GANDHI JI,one man,was that undemocratic.
from: R K
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 00:52 IST
Great article. This is what the mob doesn't understand. Anna's crusade is not good for a democratic India. Let him stand for elections, let the 'people' elect him, let him go through the parliamentary process. That will sure help India. What is going on currently is taking a democratically elected government hostage.
from: Sajan Jose
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 00:57 IST
You began this essay by pointing out the similarities between the government and the Hazare camp, but your thesis is not taken to its logical conclusion. The messianism of the Hazare camp is matched by the messianism of the party in government. Congress' blind following of the Gandhi-Nehru dynasty's current face, Sonia, is a far worse form of messianism because it is institutionalized. When a political force arises in opposition to the anti-democratic congress party, surely you cannot expect anything better. In fact, Hazare understands the congress's anti-democracy better than anyone else does. So, his strategy triumphs, time and again. The sad part is intellectuals like you come out of the wood works to declare the anti-democracy of messianism only when it opportunistically suits you.
from: Meenakshi K
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:03 IST
People resort to Messianism when they perceive everything else fails. I think, sir, you failed to touch upon why people resort to such a thing when they know there is a much straighter way called the democratic process. It is the failure of the democratic process that is causing this. The people of the country lost trust in the members of the parliament. The very people who are elected to represent the sentiments of the people. If anything, the govt should analyze the loss of trust and work on it. Gain the trust of the people. I am sure people will not resort to Messianism if the trust is there.
from: Krishna Chaitanya
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:04 IST
Being forced to vote and pick one set of corrupt thugs from among a set of mostly-thugs (with a few exceptions here and there) - is this democracy, and will it help clear corruption? We have tried to vote out incumbent govts, only to get equally-corrupt parties in power! Democracy works when only good or mostly good, well-qualified candidates stand for election and compete against each other and get voted in after a hard, tough qualification process. And then work under a set of laws that bind them as tightly as the average citizen. In India, we have a large illiterate set of people, some of whom are bought over by liquor and freebies, a larger set of apathetic voters I don't believe in voting for a party that is just the best among the worst. So, what other route is there for the disappointed Indian today to challenge the corrupt status quo than Messianism? Can you name even one? And why do you think the common man doesn't understand what is going on? Being elitist, are we?
from: Naren
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:06 IST
No need to concern. People are well informed and they don't need lectures on democracy. The government has to see the large number of 'cheer leaders' to see the support for the movement. To say those who are marching in support of Anna are not necessarily 'the people' of the country, then who are they? May be from the planet of Apes? People whose background is in economics are better served by informing the public the economic damage caused to their families by the corruption.
from: KVR
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:07 IST
I fail to understand these intellectuals view.Either they are too intelligent or too unconnected with the common man. They think all these people who are on the streets are either illiterate, uneducated or fools. These mould of people were there before independence also, who were known as elite and intellectuals that time and were patronized by English government.Had it been these people India would have never got Independence.Let me tell these so called intellectuals that these people are not behind any messiah.They are very much aware about the demands they are making. These people are not going to gain( Team Anna)if the demand are met. Off course these political class people have so much at stake.Its not the same democracy which we thought of. Today not a single representative in parliament is there because he is a popular and able leader but because he is very affluent and rich and elected because of money and muscle power.
from: surinder
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:08 IST
I totally support the author's views and am deeply disturbed by the frenzy thats caught up the nation. It's said that everyone loves a benevolent dictator and this idea of 'messianism' is fraught with disastrous consequences to the greatest and most cherished ideals of our nation,which is, democracy.
from: Dr Abhishek Ratkal
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:21 IST
Dear Hindu, Please do not kill the peoples movement systematically(Second freedom struggle).Off late we are seeing articles criticizing Anna's fast in Hindu.We agree that in a democracy Parliament is supreme, but our democracy needs some tinkering.In the name of democracy and parlaiment supremacy, we cannot let the corruptions by the elected members unchecked.Given the level of poverty and corruption prevalence in the nation,it will cause no more harm to encourage Team Anna to create a powerful watch dog that might reduce the level of corruption in the nation.The citizens led by Anna took this extreme step when the so called supreme parliament stood mute to the audacity of the politician resulting in billions of dollars loss to the exchequer. There is nothing wrong in changing the constitution and the government functioning to provide effective governance without sacrificing peoples fundamental rights(Lot other countries did amend their constitution as required)
from: Sivakumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:34 IST
Finally, a sane voice in the midst of this overly optimistic atmosphere. The point about the People being the subjects rather than spectators is well taken. However, in a country that lifts Bollywood stars and cricket players to ever higher places, it is no wonder that people are looking up to Anna as a savior. For the People to become proactive in a democracy, they must be informed about the issues and must feel a sense of agency. Neither of which are prevalent in the current climate. The onus is on the media, especially the print press to do its prescribed duty of unbiased journalism in the interest of the greater good of the People. This is the only way to reach a mass audience with sensible and logical arguments.
from: Logical Indian
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:38 IST
Very good analysis. We need thinkers like him to come out and speak out boldly. It is sad that people who do not support the Jan Lokpal version are termed 'traitors'. We should not loose perspective. Hero worship and accepting things blindly is only detrimental to our country.
from: Nithya
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:43 IST
Brilliant, as usual. Prof. Patnaik brings forth the fundamentally undemocratic character of the movement that the media has been projecting as a 'Second Freedom Struggle'. The movement in fact repudiates the spirit of the Freedom Struggle, which gave rise to the social contract that underlies the Indian constitution and the Indian state. Secularism, egalitarianism, opposition to caste and gender discrimination, support for democratic arrangements, for civil liberties and political rights are integral parts of this social contract. These values cannot and must not be replaced by messianism and hero-worship.
from: Yehudi Mehta
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:44 IST
The author must be kidding. History teaches that most of the mass movement,revolution had a Messiah on whose path the people followed.Even the reverred mahatma was treated as a messiah during our freedom struggle.Mahatma too was admant and not everyone accepted his demands.People will and always treat their leader as messiah and will worship them. It happened with all the major political leaders here at India and the constitution paved way for the collectiveness of the messiahs under an umbrella. The parties like DMK,ADMK were thriving because of their Messiahs Anna,MGR respectively and they found their voice in the parliament.
from: Sivakumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:47 IST
I think intellectuals are underestimating people's understanding of limited role of Anna Hazare. People are behind Anna Hazare not because they think he will rid us of all our problems. It is because they wanted someone to raise voice against corruption. It happened to be Anna. Fullstop. People are just using him to communicate to UPA that people have had enough. Today in all spheres of life, Anna issue is debated and beleive me understanding of situation of common people is better than many politicians, intellectuals and media barons. Indian public though may not be very knowledgable of nuances of democracy, it certainly knows where to draw the line. Fate of Indira Gandhi, Lalu prasad Yadav, Karunanidhi etc are few cases that are testimony to this. If majority of provisions of jan lokpal bill are dropped after sincere discussion in parliament and Anna still insists on his version of bill, I am sure he would not be able to garner support to the scale we are seeing now.
from: Sachin
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:47 IST
Various shades of fascism and communal fascism have risen to power in various parts of the world following what seemed like 'popular' movements. They indeed enjoyed substantial support among the people at those point of time, but that turned out to be short-lived. The Germans came to regret their support to the Nazis. Therefore to take the support enjoyed by Anna's movement today cannot be a justification for the toppling of the constitutional order. Our freedom was hard-won. It cannot be sacrificed for elevating tyrants above our heads.
from: John Nikos
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 01:50 IST
Every word in the article except for the last paragraph, is to be supported in principle. The writer went into not-happening cases of secular-majority-constitution issue, there is no majority support for these cases that can consume many cities across the country. The case here is genuine, India against corruption and hence the support from the 'people of the country coming on metros'. how can you say they are not necessarily the people of the country ? the better way of supporting the worrying question : what's wrong if messianism is preferred over democracy ? is to show the vulnerabilities of it. But, the writer should also note the dynamics of mass movements, people support ideologies, not just those who fast. India and Anna and Anna is India has to be condemned, but people are not at fault. May be , we are calling for a cultural revolution ? Thanks for the ideas, they are indeed enlightening.
from: Nikhil Pavan Kalyan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 02:12 IST
I find this too harsh.Firstly, one has to accept that "Anna Movement" has spurred govt to act on passing Lokpal Bill that has been lying since last 40 years. Secondly, When a good number of educated, enlightened people well aware of both the drafts are joining the protests; and Team Anna too has conducted surveys in various locations of the country circulating both Sarkari and Jan Lokpal draft, How can you call this messianism which in my view should rather be called a democratic peaceful protest organised for a good cause. Thirdly, If one looks at the lackadaisical manner this govt has been functioning for past few years, a kind of urgency seems inevitable to get things done. I feel that even team Anna must be ready for a compromise on duration to get the bill passed or few provisions for that matter but it is the nature of this govt that if you want 6 you need to ask for 10.
from: Anonymous
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 02:15 IST
I absolutely agree with this article.Reason takes flight against a 'worship complex'that we Indians suffer from.
from: mita patel
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 02:21 IST
Agreed with the above expressed views.It is true that most of the people who thronged the street in Anna's support are unawre of the differences between the two version of the bills. So it's true not to promote the messianism where democracy must champion. and rightly said that messianism is against the spirit of constitution, which is the citadel of a democracy.
from: Nurul Arfin
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 02:32 IST
This article and the rest of the articles from the so called intellectual class are rich on semantics but lack zero substance. U are right when you say that constitution is a contract but the sacred contract has been violated time and again by the ruling class since independence. The MP who disappears after getting elected, votes after taking cash, doesn't consult with his constituents on burning issues are not a sign of parliamentary democracy but ineffect an oligarchy. Once in a while the nations collective conscious is pricked and they come out on to the streat to express their frustration. It is appalling that the people sitting in ivory towers like this author can't feel the beat of the nation.
from: Aditya G
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 03:21 IST
Author's conclusion "The Constitution is the social contract upon which the Indian state is founded, and it cannot be overturned by the wishes of a majority at a particular time" is ill-founded. Does constitution explicitly say that criminals and history sheeters elected backed by money and muscle power can make laws of the country? Founding fathers of constitution never thought that Congress will use democracy and design the mechanism of election process such that congress can do and undo anything, win the election, oust the opposition govenment, defeat no-confidence motion, perpeptuate scams and scandals, appoint CAG, CVC, CBI, Election Commission, regulatory & development authority and rule the country like monarch. With the instant response of Nehru to Rammanohar Lohia that corruption is in other countries too, the seed of corruption grew as a robust plant during Indira Gandhi's tenure and now it became banyan tree. Country should now change election process drastically.
from: Dr Amrit Patel
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 03:56 IST
Mr. Patnaik Please explain me that why don't we disregard the contribution of Shaheed Bhagat Singh? someone can say that he was involved in a henious crime of murder which is unacceptable in any form of society and considering him a martyr would set a bad precendent and people might attempt killing govt official to overthrow the govt.? The answer to this question is that we consider Bhagat Singh as martyr and disregard his act of Murder because he was working for a greater cause called 'Freedom' and teach our kids to be like Bhagat Singh. So dear Mr. Patnaik, corruption is a much greater cause and Anna is just a face of the struggle. Supporting Anna is not going to set any bad precedent (just like Bhagat Singh) instead it is enlightening the people of India against this menance.
from: Mohit Dubey
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 04:36 IST
While I appreciate the take by the author, its surprising that he believes that people are agitating only to show their support for Anna, as a messiah, and are not really interested in other things. One must understand that this outcry, though not spontaneous, is the result of deep frustration held within each and every individual in our society, on a multitude of issues. And everyone of us, is well aware that if the same is left to the government, they'll keep discussing, debating and deliberating, without any concrete action, or may be a half hearted , unwilling , vote bank appeasing job.
from: Ramesh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 04:38 IST
Mr. Patnaik, What is so democratic about how Congress party functions? People with no mandate hold the reigns of power there too. Organizational elections are not held at all, and when they are opponents are browbeaten by the royal family. Corruption has eaten the core of India for the last 64 years and congress has been at the forefront of it all. I think your objections are misplaced. It is not about Anna, it is about a cause. Anna just happens to be a popular leader who chose corruption as his cause. Your contempt for the common man is not warranted. We have had enough of chalta hai attitude, time for change.
from: Ravi Kulkarni
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 04:49 IST
Dr. Patnaik: I agree completely with your analysis. The question that comes to mind though is what if Indian society is in fact politically pre-modern? The entrenched pattern of dynastic rule does seem to suggest that. What are the implications if that proposition is accepted? Clearly it cannot be willed into modernity and a premature modern superstructure can lead to many anomalies.
from: Anjum Altaf
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 04:59 IST
Same treat of people and the respect for the unrepresented ones holds equally good for democracy (rather oligarchy which passes off under the garb of democracy in India). And, anyway, what, who decided that Democracy was *THE* best form of governance. The ability to critically inspect democracy to remove it's fault lines and improve, mutate and generate a fundamentally progressive and inclusive concept of governance is lost (not just in India, but all over the world). Democracy (that's already Oligarchy in India) will give rise to Anarchy; and this will lead back to Republican-ism where common-sense based laws and natural laws will become the ultimate tenets of governance. That, of course, is my infantile and naive opinion.
from: MN
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 05:20 IST
Interesting article on democracy. What is the difference in methods adopted by anna and kcr
from: gvsubbarao
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 05:37 IST
Mr. Prabhat Patnaik, your article is very informative in an academical discourse. Messianism in certain sense also born along with the existence of mankind and it will continue as long as mankind survives in this planet. Messianism is also prevalent in the animal-kingdom (living in groups). So messianism in certain sense one can interpret also a part of a society, in a group not each and every individual is aware of their needs and deeds, so one individual due to his extraordinary power takes the lead and keep the group in one. All the world religions (I am not sure about Hinduism) exist through messiahs. In theory you are right messianism is fundamentally anti-democratic. History tells us that all revolutions starting with French to India's independence movement started with messiahs (India it is Gandhi). If we go deeper as you did one man one vote is also not correct, in England the adult franchise came after long discussion because the minority argument was that even though majority of the voters may not be sensible but the elected members know their duties. Majority of the population was aware of their sufferings and they were waiting for somebody to lead for decades thus came Anna's anti-corruption movement. Secondly Anna's-team some 5 people who possess sound knowledge in constitutional laws and judiciary system more than the govt. ministers. What I read and heard in the last months a good portion of our parliamentarians also not well versed in law-making or the sensitivity to understand the 'volk-zorn' (folks anger). Without Anna's messianism the common man's day to day sufferings will never take an end. Actually speaking 'Volks-referandum' like in Switzerland is some what nearer to democracy.
from: somasundaram
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 05:37 IST
Democracy can become weak when the people in power do not act for the interest of the people. This is the binding thread of democracy which has been weakened in almost its every implementation around the world. Democracy and political leaderchip had lot of meaning when leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Sastri,SV Patel.. etc were among them. Any government has to be for the benevolence of people. When people decide it is not in their benevolence they will take to protest whether it is India, Middle east (or) west. Perhaps a messiah is required for stregthening the bonds of democracy and give a much needed shock to the people in power as to what their duties are and how they should act individually and collectively.
from: Maruthi Kakani
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 06:03 IST
Insightful article amidst the mob frenzy among some sections of urban middle class in India. In a democratic India, Anna can start a political party and explain his strategies and policies for the country to get rid of all the evils he and his team says created by government (particularly by the current government. If one is to believe the media frenzy which currently is trying to portray that 100% of people in India are supporting Anna Hazare, he will win the elctions hands down. Then he can go on to pass any number of bills. Annaji, that is the way democracy works. So, please finish your fast and start action. I will be among the scores of first millions to join you, if you show your belief in democratic India.
from: Sundar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 06:28 IST
When popular upsurge results in a new government with absolute majority for a single party the leader of the party becomes the messiah.In democracy people look to one messiah or the other from time to time.Messiahs are not constant. At least that has been the plight of this country ever since the British occupied it.Do you want to replace this with a bloody coup or run battles on the street?
from: V V Iyengar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 06:39 IST
These days it seems like most 'intellectuals' have taken to explaining how democracy works and how Anna's movement is not demoratic.....but I wonder where were these people when a man who has never fought a direct election foisted on the country as PM? was that democracy? how come we never heard a demand that the country should only have ministers who have been elected directly by the people as their minister? If today people are taking to the streets then it is because the very institutions which were suppose to support the idea of democracy have been userped by the people who were meant to be these institution's right now it's not a question of democracy but of making these guardians do their job with the fear of conquences if they indulge in corruption...of course what the Anna team does need to answer is who will monitor the Lokpal ?
from: Mahesh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 06:43 IST
Does the learned professor believe that India could have got independence without widespread bloodshed from British rule if a messiah like Mahatma Gandhi was not leading the freedom movement? Today its very poor citizens and the middle class are suffering from the misrule of corrupt politicians. Does the professor want these people to leave their fate entirely in the hands of these politicians? Theory sounds good in a classroom, but to the suffering peple in the country it doesn't make sense.
from: K.Vijayakumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 07:05 IST
It is this messianism which has created many dictators in the world only to be demonised on a later date.
from: V.V.Raman
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 07:05 IST
Mr Patnaik - your attempt to take the classic definition and structure of messianism and then force fit this particular agitation is particularly troubling. The context of the situation - with how the agitation began with the group looking to engage the governement - which then proceeded to not do anything at all cannot be ignored. The very obvious point of a bunch of corrupt politicians and MPs not passing a bill that will impact them negatively is a complete incentive mismatch hence cannot happen without a shock to the system. This bill is a very special situation and an external shock in the form of Anna Hazare and the support that he has is critical to move legislations like this which otherwise have no chance even in a democracy. Finally I will point out that on Ramlila maidan there has been a serious attempt at educating the people about the Jan Lokpal bill through speeches by Mr Kejriwal/pamphlets- the fact that these are emotive/sometimes biased speeches comes with the territory.
from: Saurabh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 07:15 IST
However logical your article may sound, sadly, its not going to change much. The govt and opposition have already wider opinions by 'yielding to blackmail'. Now, we can only hope that Anna does not end up being a benevolent dictator.
from: Bharathi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 07:28 IST
A brilliant article with which I agree 100% if there is a genuine democracy. But just see how Mr. Karunanidhi moved the Tamil New Year Day to the fist day of 'Thai' and Ms. Jayalalithaa reverted it to the first day of "Chitrai'. Did the people weigh the merits behind these actions? Coming to Anna's Bill, the fact is that corruption in India is so rampant and corrosive that an unusual and spontaneous movement like Anna's may alone produce some positive results. Good that the Government is holding serious parleys with Team Anna.
from: P.Venugopal
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 07:30 IST
Mr. Patnaik articultes his opinion vey well, but my question to him is what do you call one person who puts forth the issues that the majority of people aspire to but feel too small or weak to make, yet are happy to follow? I call that one person a Leader! Also in a country where the vast majority of people are either apathetic or ignorant, it is preferred that any person, even if his ideals swing contrary to democartic process, as long as they fight for the betterment of the nation, should be encouraged, not discouraged. One should not forget that social anarchy is way democracy was born - in France or in India. The very fact that there has been an outpouring of support for the cause is itself good signs for the true rejuvination of democracy in India.
from: Karthik
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 07:38 IST
Rightly said. We are cheerleaders, or the spectators, of what ANNA would do. Our society has become so habitual to all this that we don't try improve ourselves, rather prefer to point other's misconduct or mistakes, that's why we wont form a party and fight it democratically but would form a group, block roads, go for sticks, halt the systems and just cry for it. We all are corrupt but never want to accept it. We wont use democratic methods to form democracy rather watch a massiah do for us.
from: saurabh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:09 IST
Well, our great constitution failed miserably when it comes to handling corruption, It failed to tackle 'license Raj' till 1990 and only Liberalization was able to stop it. This is also wished by any economists (Courtesy present RBI Governor). If we had another Gandhian then we would have got it far before 1991. Same may be the case now and India does not want to wait any more decades when it comes to corruption. If you think that the people who are supporting Anna may not represent the whole nation interests then you are again wrong, needless to say that the other sections of the people have only taken part in sending criminals to the parliament, hence they won't come out now. I wish you are not one among them.
from: Ramaiah Karumudi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:31 IST
Totally disagree with your statement: "the idea is to whip up enthusiasm among them without enlightening them.." I have been observing the protest and also been to the many events organized by IAC . They have a) Always educated people about what is being sought and why, b)what is the govt take c) Now that there is a third version- even that has been included with discussion of its merits and demerits. The spokespeople and local chapters have held many gatherings to spread information for the cause. Even during the fast every development is documented and communicated both by people making 'Speeches' as you call them as also making charts and posters .Mostly voluntarily put together. All the three versions are also available at every venue. I have no provision here but i will upload images on Facebook which will show you how much trouble is being taken to involve and make people 'informed' participants in the process. Please don't write from the confines of ivory tower.
from: Vidhya
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:32 IST
This is a brilliant perspective about the other side. When the people have been blinded and deafened by slogans of 'anti-corruption', everyone fails to understand that they are actually shaking the foundation of the great institution which was formed 60 years ago. Ultimately, it's yet another 'means to ends' debate...
from: Pawas Shrivastava
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:45 IST
When the Parliament, executive, judiciary and the adminstrative machinery fail to address and correct the corruption issue, a messiah is needed to awaken the people and tell them about their democratic rights and duties. When an elderly person is ready to lay his life on the line for the common good, the government's response is 'represent in the standing commitee'. This movement will definitely give raise to more movements some for the common good and others for elevating the protoganists to the level of national leaders. This Government like the previous administrations including NDA requires a gun with a short trigger to keep them waliking the right path.
from: mani sandilya
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:51 IST
A very well thought out article. I am truly amazed at how ridiculous the methods have been in the Anna protests. A bunch of children (to enhance the effect) should park themselves in front of Anna and go on hunger strike and not eat till Anna does so himself. In an ideal world Anna (and his followers) would then realize how irresponsible and unfair their techniques are, accept their mistake and stop this daft crisis.
from: Rohan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:51 IST
sir, hats off...(in My opinion) you have put down the details in a good objective manner, with logical reasons and a good reference to the basics of democracy and its functioning. the sad thing it also brings out is, such mechanism almost always do Succeed in our country...guess life's too short to be getting educated and understanding all details and truth about something, weigh them and then support/oppose it (again,My opinion)... also the fact tht the crowd in ramlila grounds (or any city for that matter) isn't what defines The People...had it been, i guess the protest would have been through a strong turn up for the polls to oust the govt...anyways, really enjoyed reading this article...
from: juny
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:53 IST
An incisive analysis from Prabhat Patanaik. At last rational voices such as those of Patnaik, Aruna Roy, and Nikhil Dey are being heard after an overdose of Team Anna's inflammatory rhetoric. Unfortunately though, Team Anna has become tone deaf to all voices but those that echo theirs. Indeed, they may succeed in using Hazare's fast as a lever to bulldose their way to passing their flawed Janlokpal bill to the detriment of the country.
from: Padmini
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 08:59 IST
I have been waiting for a long time for someone to come up with this stance! As patriotic as I am to feel bad about what's going on in my country and corruption, I do not quite like the way the Anna group has taken matters into their own hands, thereby assuming that they are above the People in this democracy. While I gather from the media that 'throngs of people' assemble at the Ramlila grounds to show their 'support'for Anna, I have in these two months, not come across a single person who supports what he is doing or rather the way he is doing it. 'India's second freedom'?! now come on really.
from: Nayana
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:02 IST
For the past few days I have seen a numerous articles blaming Anna Hazare for everything. For once I did not see what their solution is for the corruption problem. They talked as if its Ok in a democracy to be corrupt and we we can simply wait and watch while even the National security is being compromised because of it. These so called experts interpreting everything in the way they want and are ready to force their opinion ironically talking about democracy. No one is trying to be messiah here. People are asking to take into consideration a few meaningful ideas for the Lokpal bill, which in its current form cannot even register a case without the permission of politicians. People really don't care what these exper'ts backgrounds or educational qualifications, because they feel the pain of corruption, not the expert babus.
from: JP
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:03 IST
Team anna hide nothing from people. They have made both version available.they have compared both.And they are ready for amendments in janlokpal and have not said that their bill is supreme.their and people's only concern is that they don't want the government to escape from bringing the law like any other bill like women reservation bill etc.If ANNA is a MESSIAH ( i.e. he is a wrong person according to the 'author'), let the author suggest a better lokpal using his experience and knowledge.writing and commenting is always easy compared to action.If anna and his supporters are wrong, then let the author design and write a new model to protest.Strangely these days, not only the author, but many 'intellectuals' started to promote this movement as 'anti-national'. But i never heard any one of these doing anything to bring a bill like JANLOKPAL. These 'authors' version is this "OUR SUPPORTERS ARE PEOPLE AND YOUR SUPPORTERS ARE 'FOLLOWERS' ".
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:05 IST
Your observation is valid and invalid at the same time. Agreed that 'messianism' is not good for democracy, if democracy is exercised in its purest from (as intended to be used). However, the current ground realities in India are different and very far from that. If you observe closely, each elected representative of our parliament is a messiah, and they act like one. Current democratic system is nothing but a coalition of messiahs. People have lost faith in the system, and that has to be addressed and corrected. Unfortunately, our ruling class is not ready to admit the same, and are looking the other way. I do not support the blackmailing-type-protest going on; but I would say that you cannot ignore the fundamental emotions under the hype and hoopla. Please remember that there are 10 or 100 times people who are not actively participating in the current showdown; but feel that there has to be concrete and assertive actions from the ruling elites. Currently, that is missing.
from: SK
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:10 IST
Anna's fight strikes a chord with all who sincerely champion and practice honesty in their lives. The media has been instrumental in mobilizing the TV and internet savvy. But where are the peasants and workers?
from: Shomnath
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:16 IST
Dear Prabhat Your opinion piece equating the public reaction to Anna Hazare's fast as that of a messiah (the collective messianism)was just the feeling I had as I read about it in distant Melbourne. I recall the CPI (United under S A Dange)demonstrating in Delhi in the late 1950s or early 1960s; it fits your description of democracy. For the Indian TV channels, it appears to be a free 'tamasha'! What is most annoying is Anna's use of Gandhji's name for his essentially populist antics. I hope more people read your comments and behave a little more sensibly. Having said this, I assert that corruption anywhere should not be condoned. It should be revealed and appropiately punished. Melbourne - R C Mascarenhas 24 August 2011
from: R C Mascarenhas
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:21 IST
Brilliant, this is what I am trying to tell to readers for a long time. Do not follow just like sheep. In a democratic process, once you have put your thoughts you must leave it the system to get mature . Once matured then nurture for the cause. The way Anna is taking will leave the democratic process in question? The future generation will take this as a weapon. Gandhi used this weapon only to make the people to think about independence and to create collective India. Even several people found flaws in his approach. But there were no other alternatives then. So it worked towards independence. But now applying the same concept to corruption or calling it as 'second freedom struggle' is irrelevant. Now the end game of Anna Hazare's fasting might go in either directions. 1) Team Anna wants him to live 2) The goventment wants him to give up Who is going to win one. Again people are sheeps. In Geeko words: 'Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs gets slaughtered'
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:24 IST
Messiah is not a worst or false or wrong person. Messiah, according to bible, comes to save his people. Only difference between our messiah and PATNAIK's messiah is that our messiah is undemocratic (according to patnaik).I don't want democracy when messiah saves his people ( well, that is democracy). If messiah come with all his splendour and power according to bible, these 'marxist-leninist' say, 'messiah is U.S.A. based man'. if he comes as a common man, they say 'look he is just looking like a common man and have not wrote any books or held any seat or not our party member or has not got any 'title' like us. so he is anti-democratic'. it's time to burn your books and ideologies all you 'intellectuals' and come to us and reach us. May be fasting or protesting in ramleela is anti-democratic in your views but not in people's view. A supporter might be a vandal in your views, but remember that we are peaceful vandals (who get victimised) and won't harm anyone who oppose us.
from: laxman
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:29 IST
Does the writer imagine that India was a proper democracy through a republic system? Does he suppose, that when the voter cast his/her vote that the voter still remained, in any shape or form, powerful? Does the writer believe, that the people behind Anna, are 'dumbed' down for 'merely' supporting Anna? Such elitist, semi-intellectual rhetoric wreaks of corporate or government sponsorship.
from: chstrig
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:37 IST
An alert piece of writing by Prabhat Patnaik. Sadly, our institutional politics has degraded to lowest ever level and policy makers have ignored people's concern in arrogant manner, leaving the social activists so desperate that they are compelled to chose a populist way, call it messianism or something else, to make govt. listen to their voice. Two bad never make a good. To make the biggest democracy exemplary we should seriously ponder upon the ways which will awaken the masses and make them think rationally, rather than expecting all the solutions from a messiah.
from: Shanti
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:38 IST
'Mobocracy cannot be a substitute for democracy at any time' well said by Gujarat Law Minister.........i think the citzens who are thinking of the both pros and cons need to unite and protest against this kind of unconstitutional metohds...people need to understand these are the issues beyond just emotions and need serious debate because it will be going to change the structure of democracy in an indirect way....and one can't guess how it will impact our democracy in near future.....need seious and practical thinking..
from: Sandeep Palekar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:46 IST
I commend The Hindu for putting forth all viewpoints over the last few days. Would have been very disappointing if The Hindu too followed the 'if you are not with us, you are against us' philosophy that is so prevalent these days. Of course, the current click-click-click generation needs to cultivate the patience to read all the editorials and opinion columns and imbibe the points of debate. The tendency these days is to follow the TV medium in this country, and as we all see, the TV channels rely on sensationalizing every little thing into a 'breaking news' format. Thanks to Prof. Patnaik for this analysis.
from: lrao
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 09:52 IST
I ask Mr Patnaik that if whatever support Anna is getting from people of India for fighting against corruption is undemocratic then whatever government does in name of democracy is it democratic and justified. Anna at present just symbolises what people of India today expect from the government. It is anger, frustration and disappointment of the people against the government and its administration. Surely there are other issues also but atleast somebody has to come forward and take initiative what team Anna is doing at present. Call it Messianic or anything it is voice of majority of educated and young people. Beside the Jan Lokpal Bill has not been produced overnight. It has been thoroughly debated in media (both print and visual) by leaders of both ruling party and opposition for quite a long time. If Anna has been treated as Messiah for fight against corruption then nobody is complaining because somebody has to do it sooner or later.
from: meeta bisht
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:02 IST
Messianism comes when people suffers due to incompetent rulers and no one to sympathise with them. As a whole they r also not able to deal with the day to day problems. Lord Vishnu incarnated when there was no one to challenge the demonic rulers who in turn leave nothing unturned to make the hell of people life's. Anna came when there was none to challenge our corrupt politicians. The intellectuals who are criticizing anna for his methods are just like the critisizm of new idea which polishes it for more refinement. Will this intellectual community who r criticizing anna do anything to stop corruption or they will just invent some new technique for feeding on poor peoples flesh and blood without whose work they they can't even survive. Jai Hind.
from: kalyan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:15 IST
Dear Editor, In a vast and complex nation like India, democracy was built on sound principles. We should be proud of this fact. However, democracy is not working as it should, since too many elected representatives are not responsible. In such a scenario, where people are deprived of the services they deserve from their representatives and the country is being looted, there does not seem to be any viable alternative than relying on a trustworthy messiah or martyrs of faith.
from: Jagan Chidella
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:21 IST
While I am agreeing the difference between the democracy and messianism, i want to argue whether democracy is being seriously here or not. The representatives of so called democracy are being elected with minority of total votes and not representing the total group and working for the benefit of the supporters only. No leader is trying to correct this issue and flowing along the wave. Everybody is exhausted and but unable to rise the issues individually because of various socio-economical reasons. And being attracted to these type i.e. so called messianism. The parties also not making any difference who have to take up these type of issues very seriously for the success of the democracy. The Executive became of the pet of these politicians and are sharing the benefits which are supposed to reach the masses. The judiciary became costly and lazy. So the common man goes where? just to support the messiah like Mr. Anna Hazare who is having good credencials of social service.
from: G S Murty
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:25 IST
The relation between the mass and the leader is dialectical. Both are important. They are contributive to each other while being contradictory. One is the negation of the other. But, both co-exist. One has no role without the other. Without a leader the mass will not acquire the mass. It will be as many individuals it constitute and not mass. Leader without the mass support will be yet another individual without any mass. Anna Hazare for being the distinct leader in this particular context is a necessity. It is so, as there is no other way of venting the ire of the mass. Naturally, they find the leader in Anna Hazare. Anna Hazare is able to be such distinct leader only because of his particular nature which makes him dictatorial. Otherwise, none can be in his place in this world of total confusion and chaos created by the capitalist system which is so dynamic to ensure its sustenance, despite being crisis ridden to the core. Prabhat has a point in pointing out the deficiency.
from: Joseph Thomas
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:26 IST
This is an excellent article. I went to delhi last week. I saw many people who were supporting Annaji but without adequate knowledge of what they are supporting. Atleast our Literate section of people should understand the cause and Team Anna should make general public aware of the proper issue.
from: Girish Mohanta
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:26 IST
Hope this paperless promotion of `Messianism` as brilliantly sketched by Professor Prabhat Patnaik is the beginning and not the end. There are no fixed rules for middle class to wake up and collectively decide to support a national movement. Those who get ruled need to revise their control over the Nagar Sevaks(MPs).People are engaged with their own daily survival therefore `short cuts` of outsourcing Messianism is normal. It is the job of the leaders to `filter emotions` out of this War against Corruption.People definitely want more share of opportunity,equal playing field which is only possible by more transparency and lesser corruption. Today`s War against Corruption is to protect the shrinking pockets of poor who also wants to buy good food, good cooking oil and wear good cloths. Real Sale and its increase is the only way to increase Real Production.How long it shall deliver BJP 'rule` instead of rejected Congress in absence of few `Anna`,few Arvind and few kiran bedi needs to be seen ?
from: Rakesh Manchanda
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:29 IST
Very thoughtful article. But I'm skeptical if it can atleast make the people think who supports Anna just because the cause is noble. Everyone wants to fight against corruption, but in a 120 crore society it is idealistic to dream that a single bill or a group of self proclaimed 'people's society' can indeed cause a change. Sometimes mob or masses doesn't convey the essential support. Netizens are not the ultimate influencing group. The online surveys and exit polls have been proved wrong many times during election times as such media measures fails to recognize the right people and reflect the common man's views. This govt is one in the history with the volume of corruption unimaginably higher than the previous ones. In such a situation, there's a strong feeling of contempt and frustration over the mind of millions, but this movement feels to pick up and exploit the sentiments of the people to fight in a wrong way.
from: Libin Kadackal
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:37 IST
A thought provoking article. The seriousness of Anna's followers is aptly captured by the article's pic itself.
from: Raj
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:38 IST
Instead of fighting to make the existing the laws more powerful, there's no use in fighting for a new system in a hurry. Even if there's a lokpal, aren't these following the existing laws to prosecute and execute, which provide millions of loopholes to the corrupt, or Lokpal going to set its own constitution and lawbook?
from: Libin Kadackal
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:39 IST
Very objective and fair observation. Couple of comments: 1. The situation has spiralled into messianism because of, as you mentioned, government's flip-flops. If only they had been sincere and honest from the beginning in attending to this issue, we might have had a discussion (including Aruna Roy's and others viewpoints) and a consolidated bill by this time. The government, consumed in their self-importance, thought that they will handle only the vociferous lot and glide over it. Bad the group turned out to be very determined and it released the bottled up pressure in people. 2. From what I hear and see in the media, Team Anna only wants their version (or a version that does not compromise on its basic principles) to be tabled in the parliament and an effecitve law (open to thier version being modified) be passed within a time frame (again necessisated due to the earlier experience of insincerity and dishonesty of govt.)
from: Venkat
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:39 IST
Can an eminent person like you sir could get elected in MLA or MP election. This is not representative democracy. People are not heard in courts and government offices and they are running for justice. My dear sir. It is very easy to draw comparison and come out with an article. Anna has taken a stand larger than his life. History remember only those who take a stand for something and offered their lives. His contribution cannot be negated. Look at the positive side. Even, today students got aware about functioning of parliament and compared two bills on Internet. I heard debate on TV one of MP said that Anna Like people came because we failed to take people's issues to parliament. Democracy was also born out protests. There is nothing wrong and supremacy of india lies with people. Protests also helped in generating nationalism and concern for making strong democratic institution.
from: Preetinder Singh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:45 IST
Mr. Prabhat Patnaik, could you not suggest an alternative approach that the unintelligent population of Great Republic of India should adopt. Are you very comfortable and proud by the fact that our honorable members of parliament have colluded over 40 major frauds and scams in mere 65 years?When a common man loses all hopes, he resorts to MESSIANISM. And you might be aware that team of India Against Corruption is always open to debate/discuss the bill publicly, I request you to please take some pain to go to Ramlila Maidan and convey your differences on the Bill to the 'core team'. I hope either they will satisfy you or they will change their opinion. If the point which they are raising is principally correct then there is no problem to go either with Messianism or with democracy. Final aim should be to get the strong regulation which hinders corrupt practices. Had our political ancestors stuck to ideological politics and worked for the good of nation,we would have never seen this.
from: Abhishek Ruhela
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 10:50 IST
Well said, Mr. Patnaik! My thoughts exactly.
from: Nerus
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:02 IST
Rajiv Gandhi said that if govt spends 1 Rupee only few paises reach people. Now we have Rahul and he will say the same. How many more years we have to listen this. PM says he do not have magic stick to check the corruption but if Anna team has one at least give a try (ofcourse within the limits of constitution). I also don't understand why most of the editorials from Print Media are far away from this movement (May be because Electronic media has dominated the issue or may be because most of the newspapers are run by politicians as they run too many things like educational institutes,businesses and also country if gets time.)
from: amol
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:12 IST
This article is truly commendable for its insight. I wish Anna and his team go through this article. People should (like this author) stop balking and behave rationally to save our country from being hijacked by some group of people who called themselves civil society.
from: pingmi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:15 IST
Thank you Hindu for upholding even a little bit of sanity in this pathetic circus. Your lead articles are pretty much the only thing that is stopping me from losing my mind from watching all these people almost willingly throw away their democratic rights. Another point i think is important is how most of the supporters feel like they are doing something special. Very often i hear them refer to themselves as freedom fighters, i believe it is a way of reacting to all the supposed unpatriotic behaviour the new generation of india is supposed to have. This insecurity i think has almost made it a craze to be patriotic, almost like a peer pressure habit. All they care is to be part of the struggle, not what they are struggling for.
from: Akash Hirosh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:16 IST
Anna has succeeded in creating a Halo effect and India is a land where communication through Halo effect works every other person has their own Human God /guru/swamy/tantrik/sadhu, whom they follow blindly. the same thing applies to Anna phenomenon
from: Asma Rizwan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:19 IST
People keep saying that it is the common man who is going to reap the benefits of the Jan Lokpal Bill.Honestly with all the logistical problems it is going to face during implementation (if ever implemented),how is it going to reduce the problems of the common man? At best it could catch the crooks in the upper echelons of the government.Team Anna has relied on massive oversimplification of the problem of corruption in order to whip up passion among the populace. Also majority of the people gathering in the Ramlila grounds are well to do middle class people.The other classes are pretty much under represented.So the claim that Anna`s supporters comprise the majority of India is rather debatable. The way Team Anna has hijacked the givernment is actually a cause of concern for some sections of the society .what if a significant portion of the populace wants to undermine secularism or some other fundamental tenet of the constitution.Will the government heed them too?
from: sunny
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:20 IST
James Miller once wrote- we have two american flags always- when the rich fly it, means everything is under control. when the poor fly it, means anarchy, problem, revolution. This Ramlila maidan incident is nothing but the urban euphoria, led by personality cult (messiah) due to their un-informativeness. Anna is no Gandhi, as he is not open to discussions and debates.even if he is, he does'nt want to change his stance a bit. If government bows completely to all the conditions, they will be responsible for the precedent they are going to set and also repercussion effects. After all the parliament is answerable to people not Anna.
from: Alok Kumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:24 IST
The Author seems to be seeking ideal forms of protest against one of the most faulty democracies in the world. Although I believe this messianism should not override the wave of protests, have the author seen how faulty, corrupt and unrepresentative our democracy has become. Would he just sit down and reconcile to the fact that a fifth of our parliamentarians are criminals, two thirds are filthy rich owing to the money they gained exactly from the same system of politics And almost everybody patronised by vested interests. Now how does the author with this decisively corrupt, heavily criminalised and explicitly vested interest oriented polity of ours be bent to people's wishes. It takes 42 years to pass a bill, Team Anna went to legisltors, push PIL's in courts, go to opposition, make statements in media against corruption and nothing happens. Have the intellectuals realize that this was the last resort Team Anna had to take to?
from: vamsi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:27 IST
My dear Prabhat, Quoting these protesters as cheer leaders is also an insult to our democracy. It is perfectly all right to put forth your own opinion but you may be forgetting that its the messihas who brought independence to this country.Its hard to beleive some people like Patnaik writing these people as only a few,in saying that they are pretending themselves and don't want to accept the reality.The democracy he is talking about exists in theory only.These so called representatives of people and bureaucrats have made a big hole in our democratic system and only people along with a leader like Anna can fill that whole.They are not just people,they all are qualified,literate and intelligent who are different from libyan or egyptian mass. Its high time for Mr pattnaik to accept the truth and give some valuable suggestions rather than criticising peoples movement.As a economist,can't he realise corruption of this magnitude can be a hinderance on the path of the country's growth?
from: Rajat Rath
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:30 IST
Yesterday it was Arundathi Roy. Today it is Patnaik. Welcome their views on why they disagree with the methods of Team Anna and their followers. It is instructive to a point. However, skeptics of Team Anna do not have to put down the outpouring of emotions for the cause. In that regard, the conduct has been very civilized and nonviolent. The political class really wishes they could connect, mobilize, and move the masses the way Team Anna does. Finally I salute Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's letter to Anna Hazare. The Prime Minister is seeking win-win without putting Anna down. Critics of the PM fault him for not being an effective or forceful leader, but I disagree. He is an honorable man, more so for not letting the insults bother him. Something good will come out in the end.
from: Subra Balakrishnan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:30 IST
I don't see anything wrong in what is going on and also I don't have any option. I am not living in ideal or near to ideal democracy but I am living in a democracy suffering in her worst.
from: Santosh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:44 IST
Agreed. My greatest fear is the last bit; that this movement will set a very bad precedent for others which might well be for lesser causes.
from: twistleton
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 11:46 IST
sir you have rightly pointed out that its the people who should have a say and not just a single person or 'messiah'. But let me point out that when it comes to voicing a concern, it is the leader who speaks on the behalf of the people.The underestimation of the general public as foolish followers of someone is not at all welcome.
from: arpit
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:08 IST
Brilliant! Our democractic system is not the cause of corruption, it is the people governing the system. Instead of trying to bring about a change in people's attitude, team Anna is trying to bring about a change in the system, a change which is unconstitutional and undemocratic. And it is indeed sad that whoever questions Anna's methods is considered to be unconcerned about corruption.
from: Nithya V S
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:11 IST
Mr.Patnaik has come up with a thought provoking theory illustrating the current protests as messainism.But he missed a vital point.How many times in the past had it occured that innumerable people of various sectors have come up on streets to protest and support a sole cause?People have gathered at the Maidan not just to cheer Anna or wave flags or gather with the community.They are standing there implying to the goverment that its not just Anna and his team who are wishing for the bill.It is pathetic to call the knowledgeable and perceptive people as dumb.
from: swapnalatha baswa
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:11 IST
Very clearly stated Mr.Patnaik. No one should be capable of overturning the democratic system.The system reigns supreme whatever happens.
from: Neeraj Kannoth
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:13 IST
If we go by what Prabhat Patnaik says about the true democracy, then Mahatma Gandhi was also not democrat. Like Anna he also fought through march, protests and fasts for a public cause of liberation. Even dictators say that they are working for the well being of the people. Should we believe and support them ? If all bad things are being done under the cover of or misusing democracy, one of us has to come forward to lead the rest. This is upto people like Patnaik to label him or her messiah. A fight for people when our so- called elected representatives fail them or let them down is not the negation of the democracy . To keep quiet is . What is the alternative if our leaders do not come to our expectations? Should we hear them parroting the virtues of democracy when most of them have not won the elections through legal means. When they are exposed, they invoke democracy for diverting the public attention from their undemocratic and unconstitutional deeds..
from: Hema
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:14 IST
If Anna's team believe that today parliament is not working because representatives have seized to represent the people, then best solution is Anna's team should fight elections, win and then make right policies, laws etc... For bad politics answer is 'more politics and good politics'. If 'Anna is India and India is Anna' then they should win elections easily. That can prove the character of this movement.
from: Deepak Chandra
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:18 IST
To Mr.Prabhat Patnaik, This is Sagar from Mumbai and youth of age 22.I respect your views but I would like to put up some optimistic views which may change your perception. first of all, I am optimistic because Anna Hazare has been able to stir interest about politics into the youth to the some extent and it is welcoming news for healthy Democracy. To make any change into the society, The leader must arise to instill the people and if you called him messiah then let it be. before the 2009 General election, PM Singh was a noble, economist who brought reforms, honest etc. he was too messiah of industrialists in your terminology. and if you worry about Messianism will obstruct the Democracy, don't worry. people of this country which has 20 crores youths and 60% literates are intellectual enough to point out motive behind campaign. It may take time but they overturn the wrong doors.
from: Sagar Geete
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:18 IST
I'm sorry to say but Mr Prabhat Patnaik seems to be suffering from selective amnesia. Everyday Anna and Team reiterate the differences between Lokpal and Jan Lokpal to the people present at the ground and have also released several videos on U-Tube what else is expected? A media campaign which is funded by no one but donations of few philanthropists. The author has deeply insulted the genuine supporters by calling them as cheerleaders and should apologize. The crowd gathered is mostly from urban India and have fair deal of wisdom to understand what Anna and Team is conveying.In any mass movement there is always a leader to follow else the movement is not effective!! No one has put Anna statues in temples or shrines for the author and group with similar thought procees to worry about Messianism. The intention and messege is very clear FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION and now is the time for every true Indian Citizen to tender support in what ever way possible!!
from: Ankur Dimri
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:30 IST
We Indians are not democrat people.Our society based on caste system.We never believed in equability.Upper caste not give equal right to lower caste.Democracy is imposed upon us. So it is not working smoothly.We transferred it into Hindu way of life. So there is terrible chaos in the country.From ancient time people of India waiting some messiah in trouble time.In GITA Krishna promised to devotees that whenever chaos arises in India he will came and solve all your problems.Whenever trouble arises people wait and who boastfully create a illusion in mind of people that he will solve your all problems and bring RAMRAJYA India people run behind him madly.Thousand time it happened.Now Anna promising that my janlokpal bill solve your all problems,this bill will finished corruption.People are madly supporting him.After all he is spreading illusion but this is a universal law people want illusion, true no one want hear on the contrary people bite the person who tells the truth.
from: Ramesh Raghuvanshi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:30 IST
If privileged, educated Indians want to keep India corrupt, then they may succeed, unless of course the mass of Indians prefer not be tyrannized on a daily basis for everything, or see their collective wealth (ie national wealth) plundered for the private gain of a tiny minority, while about 30% of their fellow countrymen and women languish in abject poverty. Recently there has been a spate of articles pontificating on the finer points of democracy in India. They do not refer to any shortcomings of the current system, or whether the present democratic laws, systems and procedures are being abused for personal gain by the few. These articles ignore what the President of India said on 15.8.11 "Corruption is a cancer affecting our nation's political, economic, cultural and social life"; and that "the country cannot afford the loss of resources meant for its development" (Hindu). ULTIMATELY INDIA WILL HAVE THE KIND OF COUNTRY and DEMOCRACY INDIANS PAINSTAKINGLY BUILD, HOPEFULLY TO BENEFIT ALL.
from: D Mahapatra
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:31 IST
Dear sir..I would like to quote the statement of senior journalist Prasoon Bajpai,in his article he wrote that presently there are 182 MPs in parliament on which cases of corruption and indulgence in criminal activities are going on.My question is :Do u think they are the true representative of a Democratic country? I think their place should not be in parliament.Atleast a simple man is taking initiative against this problem. Every citizen knows that corruption cannot be abolish easily it will take time but someone has to come forward to raise the voice.strict discipline and strict laws must be implemented to put a check on such kind of people who are not at all afraid of our present system. Everybody is interpreting the fasting of Anna,the way they want, everybody is criticising but why these intellectuals not giving strong suggestions. Come forward and take action;might be a layman start paying attention on your words and it may help to uplift their place in society.
from: Jyotsna
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:56 IST
The article points out the inherently anti-democratic character of the methodology adopted by the Team Anna protesters. True ours is a corrupt democracy at all levels but threatening the government with fasts and deadlines is hardly a solution. However Mr Patnaik's reference to Avtars etc was a little jarring as a friend pointed out.There have been true and false Messiahs in both recent and distant past, and in all countries and not necessarily only in 'premodern India', as he seems to suggest.
from: Ranga
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:58 IST
Prabhat's 'Messianism versus democracy' as a lead article in The Hindu is well-crafted.He has faulted both union government and Anna and his company Limited, self-styled representatives of civilians' right!Fault with govt is logical but the fault with Anna and company Ltd is beyond rationality-he wants to usurp functioning Parliament Under the Constitution! Personality cult like messianism is not new in India-here the people go for blind faith over a particular person, doing something strange -whether he may be politician or among any starta of life-but this messianism tendency may be most dangerous trend for Indian democracy-how Anna could be messiah only because his cheer-lady Kiran has described Anna is India and India Anna,likening him with Indira's fascist and authoritarian rule during emergency. DK Baruwa had similarly described indira is India and India is Indira-A fascist like person cannot be messiah!
from: krishn kumar singh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 12:59 IST
Very good article.People who are talking about parliamentarians as thugs, thieves, cheats and what else are those who are not bothered to come out and vote for those candidates who are good, noble and who could have represented them properly.These people who refuse to franchise their vote time and again are the ones who are talking about corruption and everything else.They forgot to do their duty when the time came for them to do so.By coming out on streets now is not going to help.These people say the majority of India is with them.It means over 60 crore people are now on the streets for this movement.I fail to see so much crowd on the streets.
from: L Venkadesan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:11 IST
The author would have forgot that India is called a democratic country, but can he show it anywhere in INDIA. All this stuff would have worked if this are going as framed according to the rules of the so called democratic govt. We say that People need to change not the system , but who are those that are working in the system. They just force people to do. Yes i accept that Anna's bill can just be one more set of rules , unless the so called People act to it.
from: Madhusudhan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:10 IST
Indian politicians are the source of all corruptions and they deserve to have this Messiah. Without this Messiah they will never ever learn anything to make India a true democracy.
from: Mani
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:12 IST
Well said, Prabhat Patnaik. Our's is young, but the strongest democracy in the world. Do not let it lose it's credibility. As observed, it is democracy, not mobocracy.
from: Sajan Machingal
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:22 IST
You can argue and counter-argue the legitimacy of Anna's campaign but the fact remains that the faith in the governmental institutions are so low that people are willing to clutch at straws with the hope of cleaning up the corruption. Our democratically elected government, if it truly believes in democracy, should either hold a referendum or call for fresh elections so that the people of India can choose who they think would represent their aspirations the best.
from: Ashish
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:28 IST
Dear Patnaik, What about VS Achuthanandan then? CPM used VS as a messiah whenever that party needed right? More over an element of Messianism can be seen in almost all movement.Gandhiji,Mandela,Christ, Medha Patkar,Lenin, You take any leader you can see it from the angle of common man. Then what is the point to insist that only Anna must be free from this new 'Ism'. If you know that this kind of mistakes can be committed for a person like Anna,then why can't you or your party lead a protest like this in India? Your theories are good to read.
from: Abdul Rahman
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:31 IST
I read this and the articles of Roy and Thorat also. I found one common thing in all three articles is that Anna Hazare is strongly criticized. I am writing my comments on this article. All movements (Social, political & environmental)are taken place mainly in democratic countries. There is no place for these movements in authoritarian regimes. It is known that a mass movement brings mainly positive changes in the system. Social movements (of farmers, tribals, feminism, dalits, etc.) make the society egalitarian. In any movement, there is always a leader. Mr. Hazare is also the leader of this movement and not Messiah. Anna's movement has supporters from every part of India. It is so because each and everyone is affected by corruption at least once in their lifetime. Otherwise GOI either did not bother about this movement like the fast of Irom Sharmila. As per author, Gandhiji was also undemocratic due to his non-violent movements. How many people can digest this.
from: Ram Prasad
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:34 IST
I do not understand why everyone commenting here in support of Anna Hazare is missing the point Mr. Prabhat has mentioned in this brilliant article.He isn't saying that the Anna's campaign against corruption is wrong,what he wants to point out is the way Team Anna
has been conducting all these days.This is really something like besieging the country.He should be open for healthy negotiations.I am an AAM AADMI and like Anna's ideals but I do hate his way to get things done.Comparing his campaign to that of Mahatma Gandhi is insane as 'that' happened in a complete different scenario.
from: Danish
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:41 IST
Messiah is something different but perhaps the writer is not aware of the fact that the people are not only coming to Ramlila ground in Delhi but they are also demonstrating support to this great personality in various parts of the country. Some people are fearing from the emergence of this social reformer, least their supermacy should deminished.
from: Jagannath
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:43 IST
Mr Patnaik has certainly not carried the debate on the Lokpal Bill forward. Instead what he has offered is a long winding article on Anna's methodology. Mr Patnaik seems to be extolling the virtues of the leftist ideology [which has lost its sheen these days] and he is out of sync with the current debate.
from: P Sreenivasan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:43 IST
What if the so-called Watch Dog begins to express a desire for a particular kind of bone and which only one person can provide? Will it still remain a Watch Dog in general then? Or will it become a personal Watch Dog?
from: Gankhu
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:50 IST
Well, democracy allows for people like Dr. Patnaik to rant aloud and showcase their innate talent to carefully dissect any problem and then argument in favor or against it. I am trying to list some arguments below for those who try to color this uprising in different colors other than anti-corruption. 1. The discussion should be about corruption and ways to eradicate it 2. Have you done anything to stop this menace? Have you got better ideas than Team Anna? 3. Are you jealous of Anna(just a seventh grade pass)? 4. Who is supreme? People or charters/contracts/political system? 5. How do you define public participation in a nation of billion + people? 6. Do all people who support a cause always come out on street? Or are all people concerned by all kinds of issues? 7. Has our constitution delivered what it was supposed to deliver? 8. How many years a nation take to develop? >
Info. asymmetry bound to exist in any society. Its people choice to get info. and then support or just support!
from: ST
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:51 IST
Well compiled article. It properly emphasizes on the grass roots of democracy - The People. The need of the hour is the proper analytical approach on politics, treating it as a science. In terms of the people's thought process, the current scenario is a replica of what we have already sensed during the election campaigns, by blindly sticking to a leader's view or ideology. It is frustrating when the mass of Intelligentsia is also on the same page. People have to rethink the approach they take upon. I am very moved by the opinion articles published in past three days by 'The Hindu' - I would rather not be Anna, Ambedkar's view, Messianism Vs Democracy, for each having their real time grass root analysis on the prevailing issues.
from: Ambe M
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 13:52 IST
Just as the Govt. has failed to read the pulse of the people, The Hindu too has and is failing. As an unbiased newspaper, one would expect them to publish articles supporting all views in an issue. But the number of articles criticising Anna Hazare seem to be more and this suggests that they are trying to steer it in a direction they want. As many readers have pointed out, people are not behind Anna Hazare for his charisma or considering him as a messiah. PEOPLE ARE GENUINELY FED UP OF CORRUPTION. I think a large majority of those who are protesting understand very well that Lokpal wont solve everything wrong in our society. But its a right step in a right direction. And protests, marchs, fasts and vigils are the only way to let government know that we are serious. If not for Hazare, people would not even have known about Lokpal and those who wanted a meaningful debate, might have still given their views, though it might have fallen on deaf ears.
from: Ramesh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:03 IST
There is no new original argument here than posssibly the phraseology and some catchwords like 'Messianism'.I wonder where all these Intellctual Kumbhakarnas are performing their ritualistic marathon somnolence when they were suddenly awakened by the protest the common man, only to complain about the possible threat this revolution holds to the survival of democracy in our country.Does it augur well to our democracy when the large number of illterate people can sell their democratic decision making powers to the highest bidder.Does it augur well to our democracy where identity politics spend their energies on the constant search to carve out vote bank politics,where every division in the society is perpetuated,where the educated middle class abstained from from voting.Our democracy is under severe threat from the neo liberal policies of the government,growing unrest among the poor living in forests,increasing gulf between India and Bharat,than in a popular protest demanding a watchdog.
from: Veera
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:11 IST
If the government had presented a tougher bill with fewer differences than Jan Lokpal version(they are now moving in that very direction), Anna's movement wouldn't have anything to stand on. Instead you have the government questioning Anna's credentials, and later arresting him ; inflaming the general public. That was a mindnumbingly stupid move characteristic of a government loosing touch with the man on the street. If you are to blame someone for eroding the parliamentary democracy and its institutions the blame first and foremost lies with the incumbent government. What was the government waiting for between 16th August and yesterday,were they testing the limits to which Anna will go, were they expecting the public support upsurge to wither away so that they can go ahead with their Jokepal.It is painful to see such a goverment trying to take the moral high ground using sanctity of the parliamentray process and institutions as a crutch.
from: ajay
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:11 IST
Messianism is not new to India, we have messiah in every form, as politicians, as religious leaders, as yoga gurus, as corporate bigwigs, as film stars and what not. Gullibility of followers is essential for sustenance of messianism, this takes the form of religious, cultural and patriotic forms. As put other day by another author, If a reporter asks about lokpal to the followers, the answer is "jai hind, inquelab zindabad, bharat mata ki jai". Most of them are hardly aware of the bill, but a view is deliberately being created that lokpal is THE answer to corruption in India. Team Anna as well as media, both are equal culprits in not having shared and debated the exact lokpal provisions with people. The adamant attitude of Hazare and "its my bill or govt should go" shows the street or dharna politics which he is preaching. Parliament must remain supreme and govt must not given in to such transient blackmailing methods by any groups, irrespective of nobility of the cause.
from: Sanjay
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:17 IST
If they were the least bit serious about corruption they would have implemented a strong Lokpal bill by now, instead of focussing their energies on villyfying Anna's movement. If this movemnet has not struck a chord with the larger public as you seem to hint at, the government would have had no need to climb down from their stand informed as they are by better sources of the IB. The popular support of the public cuts across the diverse people of our nation and the now imminent climb down is a proof of this(compare this with Swami Nigamanand who was on a fast and eventually died). While we are on the topic of messianism it will be great if you could also write about Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi the messia figureheads from the congress party which is now trying to present itself as upholders of the democratic system.They are in my opinion far greater threat than Anna and his movement .
from: ajay
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:18 IST
In this article solution has not been prescribed for bringing a strong anti corruption law,only anna has been condemned.It is also a right of a person,so we cannot condemn the article also.But my personal opinion is when people representatives relegate the concern of common man pressure need to be created on them.
from: sudhansu Sekhar Deo
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:19 IST
Dear Mr patnaik... I think you have written this only with your imagination. you can only understand this if you will reach ramleela maidan. What is wrong if someone considers ANNA as a Messiah, the whole Indian politics is based on Messianism some on Castism Messiah, linguistic Messiah, Regionalism Messiah, Secular Messiah, non-secular Messiah.......... Even ellected members choose a Messiah to leead the party. ANNA is better than them a 'SIMPLE Messiah'..........
from: Shiva kumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:23 IST
Who knew what was Satyagarh all about when Gandhi started it in the pre-independence era? Some knew about it, but the mass of people blindly followed the leaders, in whom they had implicit trust. The Constitution of India, too, was accepted by the people - not because they knew about it, but because the popular leaders accepted it. Then going by the logic of the article, we can very well question the validity of Constitution, since many Indians today are not even aware of its provisions. Shouldn't ignorance of the Constitution be a reason in itself to dismiss it? The bottomline : We have seen 'intellectuals'provide 'incisive' analysis of the anti-corruption wave - analysis which does not help the movement. How many intellectuals succeeded in creating a mass movement against corruption, as Anna did? How many intellectuals today can command a trust at par with Anna? People cannot be just described as 'spectators' - they are the ones who are leading the agitation.
from: Sagar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:24 IST
i have been a continuous reader of THE HINDU for a long time, but by reading this type of articles i am loosing faith in this paper.till now i thought politics only corrupted but by publishing this type of articles i am afraid your news paper may also lose its credibility among readers,my humble request to you is please support the movement which is for our next generation
from: AAZADH
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:30 IST
Recent articles coming from JNU kitchen will always have a typical form as the above article. These professors, good at juggling with words and churning out articles after articles without any material or physical contribution to the nation are hypocrites. When INC project on their dead or impotent live leaders as saviors of the nation, then it is democratic process? The parties who have base ideologies as nepotism, pseudo-secularism and manipulations at every stage [buying MPs in parliament], will they protect people's democratic rights [eg emergency]? NONSENSE, Anna Hazareji is nothing but the reincarnation of Gandhiji and power of his will is to be seen by everyone. In fact these profs overnight writing these articles is good enough to provide the kind of fear AH has created among these so called intellectuals, so now they want discredit this noble cause of Anna. Could these people suggest any way to get a strong LOKPAL bill through the parliament in current situation? Jai Ho Anna!!
from: Parag K
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:30 IST
Indian democracy is a joke. Because 1. You line up 10 thugs and ask me to choose one among them 2. Most of the people who vote don't even know who they are voting for, they vote for a symbol or for some monetary benefit. Democracy would work only in a informed society, which I am sorry to say, isn't the average Indian public. I would rather have an Anna than one of your thugs. Just placing the word democracy here and there doesn't make your arguments worthwhile. The number one reason why China is doing better than India in almost every field is that they realize they are not ready for democracy.
from: Dipu
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:30 IST
the intellectuals and politicians are using the buzz words 'elected representatives', 'parliament' in a very ideal sense. I want to ask the author if tomorrow elections are held and in a constituency we are provided with these options to vote for.. 1)INC-suresh kalmadi 2)DMK- A Raja 3)BJP- B s yedurappa 4)...- Madhu Koda whom are we going to vote for ? this is the kind of political frustration which is outpouring in the streets. Everybody who is supporting Anna is not believing him a messiah or God but only a respectable elderly social activist who has proven his credentials with many fasting experiments. Secondly to say that they are not using the occasion to enlighten them about difference in lokpal and jan lokpal is wrong, because for months they are educating people, they have posted it on website, they are educating through video and so on . I think the author could have utilized his time and The Hindu's space for educating people about the bills.
from: Pukkhan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:40 IST
All over the world promises are being made by leaders of all sorts, religious, social, political. Not all promises are realized then why don't we just blame only the politicians for not able to translate the promises into action. Politicking from outside the power structures is easy and readily made and people make all utopian calls and hope for the best of the best. Only the administrators both the democratically elected representatives and the trained bureaucrats have the wherewithal to deliver the promised goods, to translate the utopian ideas and ideals into practices. as suggested by numerous people let the Team Anna members who echo that they are India (represent India) to partake in the political path get themselves elected so as to translate their people's lok pal Jan lok pal into its desired end. Each domain have got its trained pundits and professionals and the dynamics and the struggles of each domains are known and handled effectively by insiders and not by outsiders.
from: john jacob
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:47 IST
People who are in the ground are 10K times more intelligent than people who vote for the parliament. In which case what you are suggesting is equally true of ManMohan Singh. Quite honestly Mr Patnaik, you have written a drivel. Pure drivel.
from: PG
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:51 IST
Dear sir your correct,we all wish to restrain corruption but,more worried about about the damage to the sovereignty and secularism of our GREAT NATION.
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:53 IST
The problem in Indian context is that we just want oral debate for solution of a problem rather than an active one.We just want to pay concerns in print media or news channels, when people actually come forward as a mass movement ,we declare it undemocratic.None of the intellectual told till now what is the right medium of protest against an arrogant government.Even after so much uproar ruling party and opposition are not serious to pass a strong lokpal bill.Our great democratic institution left lokpal in garbage since 42 years.Unfortunately no intellectual try to see in deep of anger of comman man,who always cheated by politicians.Our constitution makers would not even have been thought in dreams about detirioration Indian politics system.Beyond going into classics of political science please try to understand the problem in present context.It is not the matter of protest but the question is to maintain trust of comman man in Indian parliamentry institutions.
from: Ambuj srivastava
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:54 IST
Your intellectual thoughts and pretended thesis on democracy is a bouncer to our logic. We are simple people who live on Planet earth and elect representatives and expect nothing much but sincere doings. The rise of Messianism (in ur words) is nothing but an effect of Democratic and constitutional failure. Don't judge a book by its cover - Democracy and Constitution are now used as a make up by the 'royal family of India' to fool people. May be you're right when you say that "The Constitution is the social contract upon which the Indian state is founded, and it cannot be overturned by the wishes of a majority at a particular time" Well, then the people of India should ask Congress to step down coz it failed miserably to live up to the expectation. But Anna and People know that this won't kill the root cause. One question: if those at Ramlila n all over India are not 'the people' of India then who are they?
from: somesh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 14:55 IST
Excellent piece that brings back into focus what is at stake. The earlier comments make clear that this is not so much about corruption as against democracy. All corruption agitations/movements have been against democracy. Look at Pakistan, Zulphi Bhutto, his daughter and her rival were all elected and were removed on grounds of corruption and were replaced by autocratic governments. Here these guys thing that if they allow the natural life of the current Lok Sabha, prices may come down and they may have to wait for the next in 2019.
from: M.C.Swaminathan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:04 IST
After dissappointed with yesterdays article , very happy to see a very nice article. Thanks Hindu. I like Lokpal idea and am supporting, but deep down I knew it is not democratic and unconstitutional. But whenever we get this feeling we end up doing nothing. But we cannot do things just like that unfortunately. We are in a position where we have to do undemocratic and unconstitutional methods to bring democracy to our country. Because gone are the days corruption is just in some crores , now whenever we are talking about corruption we are talking about 1000s of crores
from: Swaraj
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:09 IST
The article is a very well written one to awaken public about broader aspect of eruption of constitutional crisis.We can not sacrifice democracy and parliamentary system.Anna should be flexible.But one thing still I remember that in 1964\65 when we were school children, Odisha had witnessed All Odisha Students agitation against the then state government.Being school students our intellect was not mature enough to probe all the issues of the state.But there was a clear prception of corrupt and ineffcient administration.
from: Radha Kumud Das
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:15 IST
True face of the movement driven by Anna Hazare can be seen through this article . really thank you Prof.Prabhat Patnaik for letting us think where our present generation is going.
from: Charudatt Kumbhare
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:17 IST
A very impressive article indeed.Since last ten days the arrogance of Team Anna is quite evident,Annaji repeats a few sentences which it seems are forced on him by his team,They have no doubt brough the current ruling establishment on it's knees possibly due to loss of credibility caused by successive scams.Another thing showing is weak political leadership,I Don't think such a spectacle would have happened if Jawahar Lal Nehru or his contemporaries like Patel and Shastri would have been around... The capitulation of all democratic values will be complete if Parliament is forced to adopt most of the provisions of Jan Lokpal Bill prepared by Team Anna intellectuals(They pretend that they are the only intellectuals in this part of the world)... The arrogance of Mr.Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan was more than clear when Karan Thapar grilled them.They simply started showing disregard for democracy and Parliament..Time will tell that Indians have again fooled by this remedy called Lokpal.
from: Mayank Shukla
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:17 IST
Whatever Anna is doing is making a change in perspective of corrupt people that they can't go easy.If u are saying that it is weakening Democracy then don't forget any kind of governance is for the good of it's people...being idealist doesn't help always.
from: Manny bhushan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:18 IST
I agree with Patnaik. Constitution was formulated with the idea that people reign supreme. The way Anna's movement is proceeding , it looks more like out of a Hindi Film, "there was once a Hero who found society to be full of evils and wanted to single handedly wipe out all evils and in the process made lots of supporters and enemies". This plot is good for films. In reality though this becomes impractical. Corruption is deep rooted in our society and I wonder how many of those thronging at Ram Lila grounds in support of Anna Hazare are actually "clean" or uncorrupt! There are no shortcuts for this evil in our society and no one shot treatments possible. Attitudes need to change and people need to make changes. If at all Anna manages to get this Bill across, can he assure us that our Leaders are going to be Uncorrupt from now on.. We have had so many parties ruling us and which is one Political party who does not have a corrupt person. I agree this movement will and should make change.
from: Preeta
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:24 IST
It would certainly be wonderful if all the prostestors were an expert on constitution. But that doesnt happen so the "dumb" public are merely expressing their support for some who seems to represent their interest which in this case is Anna hazare. How is this any different from what goes in electorate? Also, there has been enough articles mentioning how the people protesting are not "the people" of india. What has not been acknowledged is that these are "also people" with rights. AFAIK, the protestors are not excluding any section of the society based on caste, language..etc so one cannot say that they represent only a minority. Also, the people who are protesting are the ones least affected by corruption in our country since they can afford to bribe to get a job done more often than not.
from: Ramkumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:32 IST
Yours is a sane voice of caution, Mr. Prabhat Patnaik! I fully agree with your point that 'a majority wishing to abandon secularism at a particular time is no reason to do so.'
from: Antony
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:34 IST
I have read many editorials of The Hindu and I have never seen so many negative for any of those for the past two days there are more disagree than agree. The Hindu fails to read people's mood- what is the point in blindly following 'The Constitution'when the representatives are doing great disservice to it? A democracy is only as good as the politician who runs it. Are you not asking as to follow them blindly?..
from: Vasanth
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:34 IST
There are three aspects of Anna Hazare's movement that need to be appreciated: (1) That the current democratic form of governance in India has failed substantially, there is no doubt. We cannot live under illusion that everything will sort out by itself. A corrective action is imminent. (2) The old guard, such as this author, believe that the democratic setup should be passive with inputs from people only at the time of election. They are out of sync with the present. What everyone all over the world aspires these days is a pro-active democracy where the people at large wish to have a continuous say in governance. The days of political parties having a five-year slumber are numbered. (3) The old guard also believe that if left to itself, such people's movement can go out of hand and subvert the constitution. This is a naive attitude of a bygone era from Shyam Benegal's films. In this information age, it is not easy for anyone to subvert the constitution.
from: Arun Murthy
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:37 IST
We have seen for long that every overground party in India needs to put up an underground in order to be heard and to survive/prevail eg NE Punjab TN This means that the democracy we practice is a bit of a sham and there are of course degrees of sham. Similarly every political party now needs a Mukhota to present its agreeable face and hide its real politik intent in that GREAT GAME of electoral politics BJP was first accused of doing so with ABV vide Govindacharya Soon Congress presented Sonia the great sacrificer as its public face then it added for good measure the saint in Manmohan as its persona both were intended to mislead as history of scams unfolds And now Anna has repaid Sonia in the same coin Look at the striking fervor with which as is done with Sonia ,Anna too is always referred to in the third person by acolytes who alone interpret their moods and opinions by informed inference !! Sad our much vaunted democracy is so fragile and flawed.
from: tatachari
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:37 IST
Democracy was a dream seen by our freedom fighters and national leaders. 'Democracy' means for the people, by the people and from the people. We (all Indians) are all irritated with the level of corruption being injected into the Indian society. Ask any foreign land national to describe the Indians..... he would probably give the answer as hardworking,intelligent and corrupt (no offense to anyone). I salute what Anna Hazare is doing but his means are unconstitutional. Rite now, instead of fighting for the cause he is dictating the terms to the parliament, which is selected by the majority of indians through a election. To tackle the humongous problem of corruption, I think the basic solution lies in inner conscience of oneself... At that point I remember the advertisement campaign by TATA TEA which gives the plain message that corruption is there because of us (the common people)...
from: Abhinav Jain
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 15:40 IST
I have read the Lokpal Bill (IAC draft) and I support it. I agree with the author about his concern of messianism but I would like to ask if it was not present in the first place? From Bapu to today's Sonia Gandhi, is India not led by a single family during most of its independent years? Secondly, your concern about awareness, is highly questionable as this movement is mostly supported by the educated middle class and youth of nation (which you unfortunately discarded as not being the voice of the nation). I think this movement has more democratic rationale than the corrupt election process where poor and illiterate are brought to vote for illegible leaders with the carrots of freebies. Thirdly, and most importantly, Anna Hazare has cleanest background for people to trust his intent. He is the one who realized Ralegan Siddhi and brought in RTI awareness single handed. His is a gradient transition from a person to leader and its the leader in him we trust not the messiah.
from: Sahil Malik
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:03 IST
Are our elected representatioves real protectors of democracy? Look at our MLA'S, MP's and ministers. How many of them were elected without money power? How many of them are literate? How many of them can you really show case to the world? How many of them joined politics to serve rather than to create wealth for themselves and their families? How many of them are dummies? How many of them have goondas working for them? How many of them put their hands up to support an anti corruption cause? How many of them were poorer at the end of their tenure? If the annswer to any of the above is greater than 5% we should not support Anna Hazare. We can call Anna Hazare a messiah, undemocratic, anti state, arrogant etc but show me an alternative to clean the mess we have accumulated. We don't need complex arguments. We need simple and effective action to make a start. This is a real opportunity for India, for the people of India.
from: Sri
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:12 IST
I didn't think I would agree so wholeheartedly with an article written by Dr Prabhat Patnaik! We usually have different political views. But this article is simply brilliant! Thanks for this - maybe Anna Hazare groupies will take notice - but I don't think they read The Hindu!
from: Mitra
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:22 IST
Excellent article. Hopefully this help people to open-up and understand the arguments. I am proud to be a reader of The Hindu. I support Anna's cause and without eliminating corruption we can't move forward to the next step as country. I am not ok with the methods. The govt has lost all credibility and caused a vacuum that might be filled by groups which unknowingly might Destabilize India in the longer run.
from: Krishnaraju
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:24 IST
i read the article with open mind i also read both version of the bill. i would like to explain all my intellectual friends who has given their Comments in favour of soverign parliament and democrecy. i would like to invite the attention of all the so called intellectual gentleman to the preamble of the constitution which starts with "We the people" I dont find any wrong and vilation of constitution and parliamentary procdure by introducing the Jan Lokpal Bill.
from: vikash Kumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:32 IST
Dear Patnaik, i completely agree with you that the movement leaded by Anna Hazare is certainly having the characteristics of Messianism. But i have failed to find a reasonable solution in your article to stop the corruption from our country. I hardly understood the aim of your article. Mr. Patnaik, it's very easy to find flaws in people's activity driven by their frustration because of our country's present situation .... Please don't try to discourage such a movement for good cause. You will also be benifited if a strong Lokpal bill is introduced.
from: A P
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:32 IST
Is 2G scam democratic? Is Commonwealth games corruption democratic?
from: Biju P N
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:34 IST
The kind of democracy we are living in, is not much different from an oligarch.The candidates once elected,no longer thinks of their promises and their duties, but what they are more concerned about is, How to make enough money for a lifetime.All the laws framed are so flexible and filled with loopholes, which they use for their own benefits. Also,Anna Hazaare's team is not trying to uproot our democracy.A democracy is "of the people, by the people and for the people". They are just trying to make it more focussed on the "for the people" point.
from: Gaurav Jain
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:41 IST
Mr Patnaik, You do refer to Mr. Jyoti Basu and the homework he used to do for informative speeches. I have spent half of my life under Jyoti Basu's left governance. They may have been democratically elected with informative speeches but the intellectual corruptive policies have left West Bengal lagging behind in all quarters. Question is not about democracy or the version of Janlokpal bill, it is about a 74 year old honest man with impeccable morality fighting against a corrupt rule. When British ruled India and Gandhiji was fighting for independence, how many Indians did know about the vision of Mahatma? Netaji did shout " Give me blood, I will give you freedom", does this sentence sound very democratic to you? Let's take Anna's fight as a starting point for a new freedom fight....I am not saying that it will resolve all the problems but it will be a new start our motherland, dying under corrupt rule!
from: Indrajit Chaudhuri
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:43 IST
If we exercise our right to franchise in a proper manner, we can stop the disintegration of democratic institutions to a great extent. It is the elite who opt out of exercising their right to franchise. Having done that, they do not have any right to criticize the bad state of affairs prevalent in the country. In fact,the elite in the Society should join their hands with the lesser fortunate people and help them solve their problems. As responsible citizens, we all have to raise our voice against injustice. Let us learn to react and set an example for the younger generations to emulate. Unless the parents teach good morals to the children at home, there is no use blaming the school or the teachers for the bad behaviour of the children. It is the home in which one lives and the Society in which the home is located which matters and help us in becoming responsible citizens. We should not encourage new messiahs which would lead to disintegration of our democratic institutions.
from: Kannan Raju
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:55 IST
Only the naive will presume that democracy is flourishing in India. In the name of democracy rottenocracy has taken over. Rules are flouted to uphold the rules; votes are purchased and if not rigged. Politicians consider it their inalienable right to loot the exchequer and the prime minister seems to agree. There is a democratic anarchy prevailing. Anna's andhi could do a world of good for Indian democracy as it can sweep the old mindset cobs away.
from: vedam
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 16:57 IST
The goal 'Anti Corruption' is a good thing. But we need to look at the way, the path taken by the masses to reach the Goal. No person can be held above the constitution. And the government has a certain process to function. Let introduce the bill either GOV Lokpal or Anna Lokpal and then lets amend the bill to fill up the loopholes. The bill is currently with parliamentary standing committee, let us wait for their review and see their recommendation on the bill.
from: Sharatkumar
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:00 IST
In a democracy the government is elected by its people; but that doesn't imply that the government may well take its people for granted and only rise to meet its demand when the next elections are in sight with just enough time to then emphasize their glorious achievements and success for bringing its people tremendous growth, development and progress. The people indeed can voice their mistrust with the government through the electoral process, but how many times? A different party may come and hold power but what assurance the people of India have that this new centre won't commit the same crimes and acts of corruption? This movement of "messianism" as termed by the author is actually a vent of public frustration and despair against the workings of any government since the can of worms(labelled corruption) opened up in the country; and it is the first true step of hope taken by the people who want to see a better, more responsible governance by any ruling party in the upcoming future.
from: PL
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:01 IST
This is a very very weak argument from the left top brass in India. Little wonder that the thinking people in India have abandoned this sort of leftist politics and the left leadership is in utter ruins! What a shame! Do your home work Mr.Patnaik: Go back to the basics of democracy and constitutionalism so as to discern whether these are being re-charged with more appropriate meanings to the given context or whether people are all supine, passively listening to a messianic sermon from the pulpit! If you were physically present in the Ramlila maidan you could not miss the fact that it is a very disparate assembly of all sections of people who are fed up with the official and conventional alibi offered by the state power structure under the pretext of democracy and constitution.Even further,they would insist that Hazare, however respectable, is only a symbol of their struggle to bring about both equality and transparency in public life by tabling the Janlok pal bill and improving it.
from: Prof mukesh srivastava
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:03 IST
It's is not democracy that let down the people, it's people who let down the democracy
from: Dhanasekar S
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:03 IST
Thank god Patnaik sir was not born during Mahatma Gandhi time otherwise he would have put the same lecuture as in above.Might be he forgotten history let me remind him little bit, if we go back in history we will find that Muhammad Sahib, Jesus Christ, Gautam Buddha, Guru Nanak Sahib were born out of suffering of human being. May be our case is different here, but, we are suffering from corruption menance from top to bottom, if you can't provide or part with the solution then it's no good to criticise it. Every human struggle has different set of story but at the end someone has to lead from front and here Anna is taking the lead.And for your knowledge please come out of JNU travel to your village or home town, you will get to know people are following Anna or not.
from: bksingh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:12 IST
jesus never claimed he is god, he told he is son of god. certainly he is a TRUE MAN with brave heart. why people confuse themselves and confuse others. as of today it is clear only loard krishna told the whole world i am d GOD
from: venkat
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:12 IST
It will be interesting to understand how and why Anna Hazare has gone all the way to Delhi to espouse a 'national cause' in the name of a campaign against corruption and Lok Pal Bill when in his own backyard there are problems of high scale corruption by politicians in connivance with land mafia and the co operative banks looting the public funds. Why couldn't take on the government there to solve these issues first? The Lok Ayukta in Anna's state of Maharashtra which boasts of being the first State to create the institution, is toothless while the Lok Ayukta in Karanataka has done wonders. Why couldn't Anna do anything about it in his own State?
from: saumya
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:20 IST
Its very easy to comment on what should be followed and what not but did the author thought why large number of people are on the roads. Today people dont have time for their near and dear ones then why they will come and support Anna? The basic reason is there is nor more a parliamentary system alive in this country, its just on papers and those who claim to be the elected representatives- how these people get elected , we all know. So , instead of going by the book one should understand today's condition-poor are becoming poorer and rich richer by the current policies. We should thank Anna for such a non voilent protest else present situation can erupt like the Middle East. I hereby request , The Hindu, being a popular daily to encourage articles like these.
from: Rishi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:23 IST
1. Anna Hazare is the face of the movement and not the movement itself. 2. Jan Lokpal Bill has been drafted by a group called India against Corruption and it to be a People's bill in spirit needs to be put for referendum. 3. Most of the people indulged in systemetic corruption ( lower beauracracy) are with Anna Hazare's movement, for them the corruption which they are indulging is not corruption and only corruption according to most of the people is one whih is committed by higher beauracracy, ministers and businessman (just because money involved is astronomical.
from: Vinod
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:26 IST
great eye opener which gives 360 degrees view of the much hyped anna's crusade against doubt anna's crusade against corruption is a right step keeping in mind the need of the hour but the means adopted by him in carrying forward his crusade are not constitutional....the involvement of the masses just as mere spectators without even having knowledge regarding the main ingredients of the jan lokpal bill indicates the hollowness of his crusade.....
from: sorabh arora
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:28 IST
With all due respect to your qualification sir your views in this article are highly biased with a sole purpose to criticize Anna Hazare. Anna has proved his credibility throughout his life, he has reformed lives of millions of people before he even came to challenge these politicians for corruption.He is just giving voice to millions of Indians who are burdened with the weight of illegal activities of these leaders who are just robbing us of all the resources that we have. Didn't you take into account all the recent scams??. Its your wish call him messiah savior or whatever no one can match his courage, determination and will power. Its out duty to support a man like him if we want to get rid of the corruption our politicians are sticking to!!
from: swati
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:34 IST
Nice article for talented readers. But how many % of people well aware about their rights as laid down in our constitution? Is the constitution followed strictly by our political representatives? Is their any guarantee that the "Janlokapal" bill will solve all the problems of corruptions from this country by including Prime Minister and Judiciary. May be some extent,but not so easy to eradicate corruptions as it starts from top to bottom,even in grass root and tap root level also. Public want to lead a peaceful life both financially and socially. But, Most of the political leaders are rich people and capitalists also. It is obvious that a have not person will follow a wealthy and renowned person and support him to some benefit either financially or socially. Though, we are in democratic country in pen and paper,but demons are moving hither and thither,exploiting public money, accumulating in foreign banks for their vested interest.
from: Sambhunath Tiadi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:34 IST
I dont think Mr.hazare has invited every one to join his protest on ramlila grounds.Its his call for anticorruption has brought many educated civilians across the country to protest.
from: yamini
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:36 IST
i m little dissapointed with writer's concept of MESSIANISM in INDIAN context. i think INDIA as a society is used to MESSIANISM when people fully back some one. BUT to be messiah in INDIA there are strict conditions for it. ANNA HAZARE struck chord with people by being simple, honest & spiritual. So many times in indian modern history political MESSIAHs have abused their position to surpass democratic institutions and even parliament for their personal or political gains. ONE should acknoledge the cause of this movement which has affected every INDIAN. Future of indian democracy will only get better from this moovement as it hass been successful in churning indian socity.
from: Viraj Garad
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:38 IST
pleased reading this article, sadly we are in a state where people love thier heros and this looks to be an other Blockbuster ... with few people gaining bounty from dumb people like Us .!!! I am proud i am not a Anna Suppoter !!
from: Ranjith S
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:39 IST
Again a problem of over analyzing the person and missing the point by a mile. It is not at all important here that Anna Hazare is a messiah of the people or just another leader. People who are supporting him may be ignorant of his Jan Lokpal bill's contents though that is again an assumption. However they trust him wholeheartedly and believe him when he says that the bill will make a difference in the fight against corruption. Moreover you forget Anna is supported by other members of a team. It is natural for people to rally to a leaders call. You need a focal point and Anna is that. People who never were part of his group or politics are supporting him purely because they understand that we need to channelize our collective energies to fight this menace. There is no need to paint him as something more than a human being who is raising his voice against corruption like many others.
from: Justin
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:39 IST
God is one and almighty,unseen and only based on faith. Neither Krishna nor Jesus or Prophet Mohamed expressed themselves as god including 'Budhha also'. Prior to Jesus,Mohammed,Budhha,to whom people believed. That was only nature. All the religions are man made for a discipline living in the society prior to introduction of constitution,which also needs some reformations. Heavenly father,God,Allah all are equal in different languages. Service to man kind is service to god.
from: Sambhunath Tiadi
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:41 IST
Time and again the so call intellectuals say that the public are ignorant and what they say is correct. The public (including me) may not understand all the nuances of democracy and governance but we certainly can see that these corrupt politicians and the corrupt corporate units are becoming richer and richer and the common man struggles more for daily bread. The rich and the so called intellectuals are filling their stomach with butter whereas 83% of the public are not having bread. When the public (the so called ignorant people) take up the cudgels to fight for their right to live, criticism follows. If Anna had not taken up this cause, probably further trillion dollars would be swallowed by these politicians and taken to far off land to financially support their Nth generation. Let us fight hard to bring the JAN LOKPAL BILL.
from: Ram
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:50 IST
In developing/3rd world countries if anyone touches any one chord among corruption, Roti, Kapda,Makan etc, it turns into music...I augur danger if Young and educated India forgets to apply their rationale out of frustration and anger.We all Middle classes have suffered from Corruption at any point in our life.That does not mean that we will buckle down and follow blindly to a demagogue's idea to bring out justice just because this Demagogue( or a softer term Messaiah) has touched the right chord at the right time..But we should not forget touching the right chord at right time does not create good music always,the right way to touch the chord is also important.
from: firoz ahmed
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 17:52 IST
A very well elucidated article. The writer has exactly hit on the paining nerve of the so called democrats trying to change things by following a spectacle of a fasting old man in front of a Gandhi-face poster. The hero-worshipers have been there in every generation and they they still exist as we see and that too in large numbers. I initially supported the stand taken by people in supporting the fight against corruption but now this 'messianism' has taken all the charge. People there are only chanting the name of Anna and hailing his stubbornness. In many rational discussions if you try to question or criticize anna's way, the other major faction labels you as anti anna. Sad but true is that the government has failed in many aspects to curb corruption but by making the government to dance naked in front of the old man we are providing a very bad blow for the future. Negotiations must take place in a democracy. Pressure groups must direct the government, must not dictate it.
from: Manish
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:00 IST
Messianismis belief in a messiah as the savior of humankind. The role of Messaiah,aka Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, is to free people from vested interests who have either institutionalised corruption or hide behind various institutions created by the constitution. It is the mission of the messiah to break the strangle hold of vested interests misusing or abusing the constitutional institutions. Messiah is not bound by corrupted institutions. His role is to break them. He is not bound by the so called democracy which is made a mockery for the past 64 years in India.
from: K.R.SReddy
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:04 IST
Well written article balanced criticism and bang on target. Mr.Patnaik has clearly pointed out the drawback of the current movement that it is led by hero worship and the followers are not fully aware of their cause.
from: A R Vinayak Das
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:11 IST
The points made by the author appear obviously correct. There have been many such articles/ arguments on the ongoing movement against corruption. It would be nice if credible and practical solutions suitable to the present day and culture are also advocated. But I am yet to come across such alternative method to bring about the changes in our democracy. The points made by the author are all essential part of a democracy; provided the people's representatives live upto their obligations fully. Can we say our representatives are really representing the general expectations of the society? In such a situation a section of the society has to take the initiative to bring about changes to our system. In this case it is was a tiny section under Anna Hazare. The discussions have been going on for months, and hence there were many opportunities for the civil society to contribute. It is highly desirable that we all consider how we can contribute to the discussion; not just find fault.
from: Shankar Sharma
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:11 IST
Just an addition to relentless attack by The Hindu to change the public's opinion to published one. Can the columnist please shed some light on the messianism followed within our government which is nothing but an Elected Monarchy being run by psychophancy than merit? Isn't the Indian citizen cornered and opting this method as a last resort? Every columnist these days is hammering Team India but no one is sugesting alternative feasible solutions which will definitely benefit the people. Waiting for the esteemed Parliament to do something about it no more an option as we have waited for more than 42 years for that. What result of us being Constitutional have yielded?
from: sushant
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:12 IST
Do we really consider our state democratic?It does consist of public elected representatives but the similarity ends here. There is essentialy no involvement of public in a critical decision making system. When Team Anna was open to public debate on bill with the GOI, GOI simply backed out and instead closed all doors of negotiations. Messianism was 'opted' for when the democratic system failed. Although it will be naive to blindly believe in this form of protest, as the consequenses can be far reaching, but it has certainly given people stage to excercise their democratic rights.To believe that protesters have zero knowledge or implication of bill, would be undermining their intelligence.It is the belief in common-man like social reformist 'Anna' which has united youth and middle class of India like never before and protest peacfully against the egalitarian ways of governence. In a similar vein, Gandhiji was also undemocratic due to his non-violent movements, right??
from: Shishir
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:14 IST
We can keep on debating whether this is the right way to protest or not or does it amount to hijacking Indian democracy but one thing I am sure that this is the high time the message should go to Indian politicians that people of India are very concerned about corruption and there should be serious measure to curb. Unfortunately our Govt listens when people take extreme steps. Under any other circumstances this message would have fallen on deaf ears.
from: Mohinder chugh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:16 IST
Sir, The society has progressed through messiah-ism throughout history time & again. While M. K. Gandhi was crowned as Mahatma & Bapu by two eminent thinkers of 20th century of Bengal, little did the former do for democracy inside his own flock - namely congress. The tradition remains in almost all the political parties of contemporary India. Moreover, the boundless number of supporters that congregated under the umbrella of Father of Nation, making congress members as a group a 'microscopic minority', were largely unaware of his causes & methods - they simply believed in one common ground - Independence! After the English left - the princely beacame the power brokers in the government and the landlords became union leaders. The honourable MPs do not represent the electorate with fidelity, who voted him into the round building! Without a 'none of these option' in elections this representative democracy is as legitimate as the period of emergency! Hence I can not but disagree!
from: Subhayan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:25 IST
Excellent write up Mr Patnaik. Your views are credible but I have a doubt. Why do you have to look at him as a messiah instead look at him as a leader. When the educated Indians fought against the British for freedom back in late 18th century, not many Indian's supported them. Are you trying to brand all of them - undemocratic?? Your Anna-substituting-Poople-owing-Messainism was a wonderful make up but its FALLIBLE. When Mr M K Gandhi wanted to start a non violent crusade against the British there was a NSC Bose who wanted to fight for the same freedom so are you trying to prove that he is a messiah just because he wasn't representing the majority? NO. An IDEA is immortal but it has no face and we tend to dismiss or ignore anything that is faceless and he is the face - a Leader. Leader may change but the virility of the Idea will never and it in fact would grow bigger enough to destroy anything that comes in its way. BTW are you calling Gandhism a throwback? Then sir I beg to differ.
from: Karthikeyan
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:25 IST
THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME that Anna Hazare put forth the agony and frustration of the people of India. It is a peaceful movement to bring real freedom to this country. Let us think of the rampant corruption in every sphere of life. People can no more wait like FOOLS.
from: Tapash Bose
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:28 IST
While I agree with Dr. Patnaik's views on the democracy, he missed an important aspect: It is no secret that the 'Parliamentarians' are not elected in the strict sense of democracy. If thousands throng the public square in support of the 'Messiah' openly, freely, and on their own volition, the 'plurality' that elected the Parliamentarians cannot claim to be so. For sure, one undemocratic action should not be undone another undemocratic one. But, the people who genuinely love democracy feel helpless in the face of the enormous power of money and muscle and hence are left only with limited options of Mr. Hazare or Mr. Indian! If it works, one cannot find fault with their attitude of 'end justifies the means'.
from: Krishna
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:29 IST
REQUEST to HINDU: Please don't carry such shallow and admirably theoretical articles. The author has no living sense of the primacy of truthful life nor an understanding of why such motive-forces should shape us and our institutions. And not the institutions shape us. Democracy is one means for man to organise his political life, not something that ought to be his primary 'guiding light'. Democracy if it serves man is welcome, but when it is not able to fulfil his aspirations (due to whatever circumstances), it need not become a sacred cow.
from: reddy
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:30 IST
i am surprised by the shallowness of the analysis.our intellectuals are totally disconnected from ground realities. what sort of representative democracy we are talking of,where people are forced too choose among corrupt, feudal and criminal to least one. if democracy is deliberation to arrive on consensus for common prosperity than u think that govt is in any way try to incorporate people in that deliberation. Govt policy making, it working, all is opaque and it is fighting every inch against the transparency. it is naive thought that one day these people make a law in parliament to make govt more transparent and accountable and responsive to citizens desires and will weed out the corrupt one among themselves. see the response of political parties across the line. democracy is bargain tool between privileged class and mass. one of the rare occasion in indian history when people are making this bargain in unison let's hope for a comprehensive and effective law against the corruption.
from: rupesh singh
Posted on: Aug 24, 2011 at 18:36